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金融学top期刊(金融学顶刊RFS最新论文)6)The Momentum Gap and Return Predictability5)Comomentum: Inferring Arbitrage Activity from Return Correlations2)Markets versus Mechanisms3)The Equilibrium Consequences of Indexing4)crowded Trades and Tail Risk

本文汇总了金融学国际顶级期刊《Review of Financial Studies》近期发表的最新论文成果,提供金融研究领域最新学术动态。

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1)Where Has All the Data Gone?

2)Markets versus Mechanisms

3)The Equilibrium Consequences of Indexing

4)crowded Trades and Tail Risk

5)Comomentum: Inferring Arbitrage Activity from Return Correlations

6)The Momentum Gap and Return Predictability

7)How Global Is Your Mutual Fund? International Diversification from Multinationals

8)Corporate ESG Profiles and Banking Relationships

9)The Relationship Dilemma: Why Do Banks Differ in the Pace at Which They Adopt New Technology?

10)Short-Termism Spillovers from the Financial Industry


Where Has All the Data Gone?


Maryam Farboodi

(MIT Sloan School of Management)

Adrien Matray

(Princeton University)

Laura Veldkamp

(Columbia University)

Venky Venkateswaran

(Stern School of Business New York University)

摘要:由于金融行业正在向数据行业转型,故衡量投资者拥有的各种资产数据的数量非常重要。根据结构模型,本文设计了一个截面度量。本文展示了该度量方法如何不同于价格信息,并使用它记录一个新的事实: 跟其他公司的数据相比,大型高增长公司的数据正变得越来越丰富。我们的结构模型为这种数据差异提供了解释:大型高增长公司的数据变得更有价值,因为大公司变得更大,增长放大了这些规模变化的影响。

Abstract:Since the finance industry is transforming into a data industry measuring the quantity of data investors have about various assets is important. Informed by a structural model we develop such a cross-sectional measure. We show how our measure differs from price informativeness and use it to document a new fact: data about large high-growth firms is becoming increasingly abundant relative to data about other firms. Our structural model offers an explanation for this data divergence: large high-growth firms’ data became more valuable as big firms got bigger and growth magnified the effect of these changes in size.


Markets versus Mechanisms


Raphael Boleslavsky

(University of Miami)

Christopher A Hennessy

(London Business School)

David L Kelly

(University of Miami)


Abstract:We establish limitations to the usage of direct revelation mechanisms (DRMs) by corporations seeking decision-relevant information in economies with securities markets. In this environment posting a DRM increases the informed agent’s outside option: if the agent rejects the DRM he convinces the market he is uninformed and he can aggressively trade with low price impact thereby generating large (off-equilibrium) trading gains. This endogenous outside option may make using a DRM to screen uninformed agents impossible. When screening is possible solely relying on the market for information is optimal if the increase in outside option is sufficiently large.


The Equilibrium Consequences

of Indexing


PHilip Bond

(University of Washington)


Abstract:We develop a benchmark model to study the equilibrium consequences of indexing in a standard rational expectations setting. Individuals incur costs to participate in financial markets and these costs are lower for individuals who restrict themselves to indexing. A decline in indexing costs directly increases the prevalence of indexing thereby reducing the price efficiency of the index and augmenting relative price efficiency. In equilibrium these changes in price efficiency in turn further increase indexing and raise the welfare of uninformed traders. For well-informed traders the share of trading gains stemming from market timing increases relative to stock selection trades.


Crowded Trades and Tail Risk


Gregory W Brown

(University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Kenan-Flagler Business School)

Philip Howard

(Wake Forest University’s School of Business)

Christian T Lundblad

(University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Kenan-Flagler Business School)


Abstract:Hedge fund positions are an important component of crowded trades. These vehicles are particularly active take highly concentrated positions and utilize leverage and short sales. Using a database of hedge fund holdings we measure the degree of security-level crowdedness. The difference between the average returns on portfolios sorted by high versus low crowdedness portfolios is sizable and the variation in the realized portfolio returns is distinct from other traditional risk factors. Further hedge fund exposures to crowdedness are often significant and they help to explain downside “tail risk ” as funds with higher exposures experience relatively larger drawdowns during periods of industry distress.


Comomentum: Inferring

Arbitrage Activity from Return Correlations


Dong Lou

(London School of Economics)

Christopher Polk

(London School of Economics)


Abstract:We propose a novel measure of arbitrage activity to examine whether arbitrageurs can have a destabilizing effect on the stock market. We focus on stock price momentum a classic example of a positive-feedback strategy that our theory predicts can be destabilizing. Our measure dubbed coMomentum is the high-frequency abnormal return correlation among stocks on which a typical momentum strategy would speculate. When comomentum is low momentum strategies are stabilizing reflecting an underreaction phenomenon that arbitrageurs correct. When comomentum is high the returns on momentum stocks strongly revert reflecting prior overreaction from crowded momentum trading that pushes prices away from fundamentals.


The Momentum Gap and Return Predictability


Simon Huang

(Cox School of Business Southern Methodist University)

摘要:过去赢家和输家的形成期收益差,我们称之为动量差(Momentum Gap),是动量策略收益的负向预测指标。本文在美国股市发现了该现象,后续在21个主要国际市场发现了一致的结果。在控制了现有的预测因素后,Momentum Gap增加一个标准偏差预示着每月动量回报的减少1.25%。静态动量投资组合的这预测性可延长5年,与随时间变化的投资者的偏差一致。遵循简单的实时策略,即只在Momentum Gap低于历史80%分位数时投资动量策略,夏普比率为0.78。

Abstract:The formation period return difference between past winners and losers which I call the momentum gap negatively predicts momentum profits. I document this for the U.S. stock market and find consistent results across 21 major international markets. A one-standard-deviation increase in the momentum gap predicts a 1.25% decrease in the monthly momentum return after controlling for existing predictors. This predictability extends up to 5 years for static momentum portfolios consistent with time-varying investor biases. Following the simple real-time strategy of investing in momentum only when the momentum gap is below the 80th percentile delivers a Sharpe ratio of 0.78.


How Global Is Your Mutual Fund?

International Diversification from Multinationals


Irem Demirci

(Nova School of Business and Economics)

Miguel A Ferreira

(Nova School of Business and Economics)

Pedro Matos

(University of Virginia)

Clemens Sialm

(University of Texas at Austin McCombs School of Business)


Abstract:We show that mutual funds worldwide provide substantial international exposure through their domestic holdings of multinationals. The international exposure of domestic funds increases on average by 32 percentage points when we consider international corporate diversification. We find that funds with higher indirect international exposure perform better in both the cross-section and the time series. This effect is primarily driven by the fund managers’ ability to invest in multinationals rather than the performance of those multinationals. Our findings support the hypothesis that international diversification from multinationals reduces the transaction and information costs of investing abroad.


Corporate ESG Profiles and Banking Relationships


Joel F Houston

(University of Florida)

Hongyu Shan

(Fordham University)


Abstract:We show that banking relationships promote corporate environmental social and governance (ESG) policies. Specifically banks are more likely to grant loans to borrowers with ESG profiles similar to their own and positively influence the borrower’s subsequent ESG performance. Their influence is more pronounced when (1) banks have significantly better ESG ratings than borrowers and (2) borrowers are bank dependent. We exploit M&A among lenders as a source of quasi-exogenous variation in the lender’s ESG standard to alleviate endogeneity concerns. Overall our study presents the first evidence on the interplay between responsible bank lending and borrowers’ ESG behavior.


The Relationship Dilemma:

Why Do Banks Differ in the Pace at Which They Adopt New Technology?


Prachi Mishra

(IMF Research Department)

Nagpurnanand Prabhala

(Booth School of Business University of Chicago)

Raghuram G Rajan

(The Johns Hopkins Carey Business School)


Abstract:India introduced credit scoring technology in 2007. We study its adoption by the two main types of banks operating there: new private banks (NPBs) and state-owned public sector banks (PSBs). Soon after the technology is introduced NPBs start checking the credit scores of most borrowers before lending. PSBs do so equally quickly for new borrowers but very slowly for prior clients although lending without checking scores is reliably associated with more delinquencies. We show that an important factor explaining the difference in adoption rates is the stickiness of past bank structures and managerial practices. Past practices inhibit better practices today.


Short-Termism Spillovers from the Financial Industry


Irem Demirci

(Nova School of Business and Economics)

Miguel A Ferreira

(Nova School of Business and Economics)

Pedro Matos

(University of Virginia)

Clemens Sialm

(University of Texas at Austin McCombs School of Business)


Abstract:To meet short-term benchmarks lenders may alter their monitoring behavior providing a channel for short-termism to spill over to their borrowers. We find that short-termist lenders are significantly more likely to enforce covenant breaches. This behavior is pronounced when performance benchmarks are precise or salient and when managers have high pay-performance sensitivity but not when they face strong shareholder governance. Affected borrowers are more likely to switch lenders pay higher spreads on renegotiated loans and reduce investment. Our findings suggest that bank managers trade off relationship capital for income-boosting fees and term changes from covenant enforcement to meet earnings benchmarks.

Link: https://academic.oup.com/rfs/issue/35/7
