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实木复合门谁家性价比高(中华豪门分清木门再选门)Do you know how to distinguish between various wooden doors?面对形形色色的木门,您知道怎么区分吗?Wooden doors are favored for their irreplaceable advantages. The exquisite noble and elegant wooden doors have features such as soft texture good sound insulation natural color and simple texture.特别是室内卧室门、洗手间门、厨房门,不少家庭选择木门,配以实木地板,给人以洗净铅华的自然感觉。虽然在门窗多元化的发展时代,木门仍以其不可替换的优点,无比适应该今崇尚自然、环保、节能的潮流,并对于提高装潢品位起了相当首要的作用,在建筑行业的利用备


Yashe Studio



Wooden doors are favored for their irreplaceable advantages. The exquisite noble and elegant wooden doors have features such as soft texture good sound insulation natural color and simple texture.



Especially for the indoor bedroom door toilet door and kitchen door many families choose wooden doors matched with solid wood floors giving people a natural feeling of washing lead.



Do you know how to distinguish between various wooden doors?



Wood doors made of natural log materials are used for material selection. The biggest feature is that all details of the door leaf of the raw wood door are made of log materials and there is no filler of other materials.



The most important feature of using logs is that they do not deform crack finger joint and stick to the skin. Compared with other splicing wood doors the amount of adhesive (special glue for wood doors) is less than half which reduces the volatilization of formaldehyde and other harmful gases.



Advantages: strong durability corrosion resistance long service life and the texture of the log gives people a visual feeling of returning to nature. The original wood door has a kind of wood fragrance giving people a feeling of being close to nature. And the sound insulation effect is also very good.


Disadvantages: the raw wood door has high material cost and complicated process so the price is relatively expensive.




It is made of the combination of solid wood strips. The purchase of solid wood doors can also be distinguished in detail. The materials design structure wood materials and weight of high-end solid wood doors are different.


Advantages: compared with the original wood door the price performance ratio is still very high. The solid wood door can change the surface color and shape design through painting. The finished solid wood door after processing has the advantages of no deformation corrosion resistance no crack and thermal insulation.



Disadvantages: as for the raw material of solid wood if the dehydration process is not qualified the solid wood door will be easily deformed and cracked in the later stage. The junction of the door structure needs to be spliced and pressed with glue so it also contains a certain amount of formaldehyde but it is relatively less than the composite door.



From the perspective of function and appearance the appearance of solid wood composite door is natural and clear and it has a texture when it is touched. It has a certain thermal insulation effect. The sound insulation effect is not much different from that of solid wood doors.



Advantages: the weight of solid wood composite door is relatively light and personalized customization can meet the needs of modern home decoration. The raw materials of the solid wood composite door are not all made of solid wood.


Disadvantages: compared with the solid wood door it is easy to be damaged. The most important thing is that it is afraid of water. If it is in a humid place for a long time it will cause wood deformation. If the tension of the paint is insufficient the paint will crack and the surface material will bubble.

