机密性完整性和可用性英文,全面剖析可靠性与可用性图1 浴盆曲线(Bath tubcurve)3) The third part is an increasing failure rate known as wear-out failures工业界通常使用“浴盆曲线”来描述硬件故障,具体如下图所示。具体来说,硬件的生命周期一般被划分为三个时期:1) The first part is a decreasing failure rate known as early failures2) The second part is a constant failure rate known as random failures
相信点开这篇文章的读者,一定或多或少接触过“高可靠”“高可用”这些字眼,但是往往或语焉不详,或罗列术语(MTBF、MTTR ...),那么我们到底应该如何定量描述系统的可靠性和可用性指标呢,这些看着很上流的术语到底意味着什么呢?
硬件故障(Hardware failure)
1) The first part is a decreasing failure rate known as early failures
2) The second part is a constant failure rate known as random failures
3) The third part is an increasing failure rate known as wear-out failures
图1 浴盆曲线(Bath tubcurve)
软件故障(Software failure)
软件故障可以通过每千行代码的缺陷数(Defects/KLOC)进行测量,称为缺陷密度(Defect Density):
Defect Density= Number of Defects / KLOC
1) 软件过程(代码评审、单元测试等)
2) 软件复杂度
3) 软件规模
4) 开发团队经验
5) 可复用代码比例(久经考验的代码)
6) 产品交付前的测试
英文全称:Mean Time Between Failure,顾名思义,是指相邻两次故障之间的平均工作时间,是衡量一个产品的可靠性指标。
故障率(Failure Rate)
Failure rate is the frequency with which an engineered system or component fails expressed for example in failures per hour. It is often denoted by the Greekletter λ (lambda) and is important in reliability engineering.
The failure rate of a system usually depends on time with the rate varying overthe life cycle of the system. For example an automobile's failure rate in itsfifth year of service may be many times greater than its failure rate duringits first year of service. One does not expect to replace an exhaust pipe overhaul the brakes or have major transmission problems in a new vehicle.
In practice the mean time between failures (MTBF 1/λ) is often reported insteadof the failure rate. This is valid and useful if the failure rate may beassumed constant – often used for complex units / systems electronics – and isa general agreement in some reliability standards (Military and Aerospace). Itdoes in this case only relate to the flat region of the bathtub curve alsocalled the "useful life period". Because of this it is incorrect to extrapolateMTBF to give an estimate of the service life time of a component which willtypically be much less than suggested by the MTBF due to the much higher failurerates in the "end-of-life wear out" part of the" bathtubcurve".
上文提到的关于MTBF和Failure Rate关系值得细细体会,在现实生活中,硬件厂商也的确更热衷于在产品上标注MTBF(个人猜测是因为MTBF往往高达十万小时甚至百万小时,容易吸引眼球)。Failure Rate伴随着产品生命周期会产生变化,因此,只有在前述“浴盆曲线”的平坦底部(通俗点说就是产品的“青壮年时期”)才存在如下关系:
MTBF= 1/λ
英文全称:Mean Time To Repair,顾名思义,是描述产品由故障状态转为工作状态时修理时间的平均值。在工程学,MTTR是衡量产品维修性的值,在维护合约里很常见,并以之作为服务收费的准则。
图2 硬件MTTR估算
图3 软件MTTR估算
图4 Availability与Downtime对应关系
It is common to see MTBF ratings between 300 000 to 1 200 000 hours for hard disk drivemechanisms which might lead one to conclude that the specification promisesbetween 30 and 120 years of continuous operation. This is not the case! Thespecification is based on a large (statistically significant) number of drivesrunning continuously at a test site with data extrapolated according tovarious known statistical models to yield the results.
Based on the observed error rate over a few weeks or months the MTBF is estimatedand not representative of how long your individual drive or any individualproduct is likely to last. Nor isthe MTBF a warranty - it is representative ofthe relative reliability of a family of products. A higher MTBF merely suggestsa generally more reliable and robust family of mechanisms (depending upon theconsistency of the statistical models used). Historically the field MTBF whichincludes all returns regardless of cause is typically 50-60% of projected MTBF.
看到这里,再联系前文对于Failure Rate的阐述,我知道各位读者有没有摸清其中的门道。其实说白了很简单,这些厂商真正测算的是产品在“青壮年”健康时期的Failure Rate,然后基于与MTBF的倒数关系,得出了动辄百万小时的MTBF。而现实世界中,这些产品的Failure Rate在“中晚年”时期会快速上升,因此,这些MTBF根本无法反映产品的真实寿命。文中也提到,**也意识到MTBF存在弊端,因此改用AFR(AnnualizedFailure Rate),俗称“年度不良率”。
CMU《Diskfailures in the real world: What does an MTTF of 1 000 000 hours mean to you?》
Google《FailureTrends in a Large Disk Drive Population》
Google found that disks had an annualized failure rate (AFR) of 3% for the first threemonths dropping to 2% for the first year. In the second year the AFR climbed to8% and stayed in the 6% to 9% range for years 3-5.