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最难玩的猴子:国外霸屏的三只猴子Sometimes used as a playful I didn’t want to see that expression.这只“非礼勿视”的猴子用手捂着眼睛,表现是“非礼勿视,非礼勿听,非礼勿言”系列中的一个。Those defending three monkeys have chosen to bring cold hard facts to the table pointing out that the emojis are clearly based on the story of the "three wise monkeys."不过,毋庸置疑的是这些想要保护自己的猴子(捂着自己眼睛,嘴巴和耳朵)动画表情是以三只”智慧猴子”为原型的。This See-No-Evil monkey has hands covering his eyes as part of the p


On Tuesday popular comedian @jonnyson tweeted out a seemingly innocuous question to his followers: Are the emojis that depict a monkey covering its eyes mouth and ears all the same monkey or three different monkeys?

周二,一位广受欢迎的戏剧家Jonnyson在他的推特上向他的粉丝问了一个问题:这三个emoj中捂着眼睛、嘴巴和耳朵的猴子是三只猴子还是同一只猴子? 这个问题看起来寻常,可是却在推特上引发了大讨论。


With nearly 60 000 votes so far the question has turned into a furious debate on Twitter with 50% voting one monkey and 50% voting three at the time of this posting.


Those defending three monkeys have chosen to bring cold hard facts to the table pointing out that the emojis are clearly based on the story of the "three wise monkeys."


This See-No-Evil monkey has hands covering his eyes as part of the proverb “see no evil hear no evil speak no evil”.



Sometimes used as a playful I didn’t want to see that expression.


