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氧气瓶爆炸后的威力:使用空气压缩机给氧气呼吸器充气导致爆炸03、事文对谁有用?Who may benefit? 正确执行ISM规则的要求是很重要的。It is important to properly implement the requirements of the ISM Code. 除了最低的强制性要求外,任何配备在船上的安全和消防设备都应包含在管理公司关于其安全操作、维护和培训的程序中。Any safety and firefighting equipment placed on board in addition to the minimum mandatory requirements should be included in the management company's procedures regarding its safe operation maintenance and training. 应提醒船员,如

一般的海上事故:使用空气压缩机给氧气呼吸器充气导致爆炸Less Serious Marine Casualty: Charging of Oxygen Breathing Apparatus by air compressorleads to explosion

02、事故经过What happened?


A bulk carrier was equipped with self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) spare air cylinders and a portable air compressor for refilling the air cylinders. Despite not being a mandatory requirement the vessel was provided with oxygen breathing apparatus (OBA) on board. During the voyage at sea an officer found the pressure of one OBA cylinder low and he used the air compressor to re-charge it. First he tried to connect the discharge hose connector of the air compressor directly to the OBA cylinder but it did not fit. Then he found an adaptor in a box next to the air compressor that could be used so he fitted it to the discharge hose connector of the air compressor and the OBA cylinder. He opened the valve of the OBA cylinder and as he reached over the compressor to switch it on the compressor discharge hose exploded. He was engulfed in a ball of flame and sustained serious skin burns. The fire was started on and around the air compressor. It was extinguished with the use of a portable fire extinguisher by another crew member. The injured officer was later winched off the vessel by helicopter and sent to hospital for treatment.


03、事故原因Why did it happen?

爆炸的直接原因可能是空气压缩机排放软管内富氧环境的温度因绝热压缩而急剧上升。氧气热量的上升,引起油温升高超过了其自燃温度,导致了爆炸。安全管理体系中没有为OBA设备的操作和维护提供适当的指导,该驾驶员也没有接受过相应的培训或训练来使用该设备。The immediate cause of the explosion was probably the temperature of the oxygen-rich environment within the discharge hose of the air compressor which had dramatically increased by adiabatic compression. The heat of the oxygen rose beyond the auto-ignition temperature of the oil in the system and resulted in the explosion. The safety management system did not provide appropriate guidance on the operation and maintenance of OBA sets and the officer was not appropriately trained or drilled on the use of the equipment.

03、事故启示What can we learn?

正确执行ISM规则的要求是很重要的。It is important to properly implement the requirements of the ISM Code. 除了最低的强制性要求外,任何配备在船上的安全和消防设备都应包含在管理公司关于其安全操作、维护和培训的程序中。Any safety and firefighting equipment placed on board in addition to the minimum mandatory requirements should be included in the management company's procedures regarding its safe operation maintenance and training. 应提醒船员,如果船上配备有OBA气瓶,不得使用空气压缩机充气。Crew should be reminded that OBA cylinders if provided on board must not be charged using an air compressor.

03、事文对谁有用?Who may benefit?

船东、操作员和船员以及设备制造商。Shipowners operators and crews and equipment manufacturers.



1、消防员的装备消防员的装备应包括1套个人配备和1具呼吸器。 1.1、个人配备防护服,其材料应能保护皮肤不受火焰的热辐射,并不受蒸汽的灼伤和烫伤,衣服的外表应是防水的;由橡胶或其他不导电材料制成的消防靴;顶能对撞击提供有效防护的消防头盔;盏认可型的电安全灯(手提灯) 其照明时间至少为3h。油船配置的电安全灯及拟用于危险区域的电安全灯应为防爆型;太平斧的手柄应具有高电压绝缘。1.2 呼吸器呼吸器应为1具自给式压缩空气呼吸器,其瓶内储气量应至少为1 200L,或1具其他型式的自给式呼吸器,其可供使用的时间至少为30min。呼吸器所有的空气瓶应能互换。压缩空气呼吸器应设有听觉报警和视觉或其他装置,以在瓶内储气量降至不少于200L前向使用者发出警报。1.3 救生绳每一呼吸器应配备长度至少为30m的耐火救生绳1根,此绳应一次性通过静载荷为3.5kN 时间为5min的认可试验。此绳应能用弹条卡钩系在呼吸器的背带上,或系在一条分开的腰带上,使在拉曳救生绳时能防止呼吸器脱开。

2、氧气呼吸器的使用注意事项在使用完氧气呼吸器后对他的清洗,消毒,检验是至关重要,这直接关系到我们在下次使用这台氧气呼吸器的生命安全。我们在退出作业空间,应在摘下面罩后关闭开关 保持氧气呼吸器气瓶中余压。然后通知有关部门对氧气呼吸器进行检查,并对面罩进行清理(面罩应用75%的酒精清洗消毒)。将氧气呼吸器恢复的战备状态,方便下次使用。 2.1、我们在使用氧气呼吸器是应注意一下几点:使用前将清净罐吸收剂充填密实均匀,氧气瓶充填至额定工作压力 20MPa,使用的冷却剂冷冻在 8h 以上。佩戴时将肩带放到舒适位置长度,扣好腰带和胸带。戴好面罩,拉紧调整头带,使面罩与呼吸软管三通连接好,打开气瓶检查面罩与脸部的气密性。用双手紧紧卡住呼吸软管,使气体不能呼出也不能吸入,努力做深呼吸,面罩会收缩和膨胀,必须确保气体不会从面罩和脸部之间泄漏。慢慢打开氧气瓶的瓶阀至完全打开,呼吸器即可投入使用。
