,华春莹送反华人士一句诗► 美国历史上对印第安人进行系统性种族清洗和大屠杀,犯下了罄竹难书的种族灭绝罪行和反人类罪。接下来,华春莹列举了这些国家劣迹斑斑的人权纪录:对此,华春莹5月13日表示,这几个国家总是试图充当人权教师爷,但其自身人权问题劣迹斑斑,罪行累累。他们对中国做出的种种虚假指责其实都是他们自身历史罪行和劣迹的反映以及黑暗心理的映射。I must point out that these countries that are always trying to lecture others on human rights issues actually have a deplorable record on human rights and have committed piles of crimes. The false allegations they launch against China mir
Amid monkeys' howl along the riverbanks my skiff has travelled a thousand miles.
I must point out that these countries that are always trying to lecture others on human rights issues actually have a deplorable record on human rights and have committed piles of crimes. The false allegations they launch against China mirror their own historical crimes and sinister mentality.
deplorable /dɪˈplɔːrəbl/ :糟透的;令人愤慨的
► 美国历史上对印第安人进行系统性种族清洗和大屠杀,犯下了罄竹难书的种族灭绝罪行和反人类罪。
US history has recorded the horrific systemic ethnic cleansing and slaughter of Native Indians which constitute genocide and crimes against humanity.
► 英国在数百年殖民期间在世界各地犯下无数屠杀罪行。
Britain committed countless horrifying crimes all over the world during hundreds of years of colonial rule.
► 德国殖民军上世纪初在纳米比亚杀害10万以上土著民,被联合国人权委员会称为“20世纪第一场种族灭绝”。二战期间,德国对600多万犹太人实施大屠杀。
In the beginning of the 20th century German colonists slaughtered over 100 000 indigenous Namibian tribespeople. United Nations Economic and Social Council Commission on Human Rights said in a report that this is the first genocide in the 20th century. During WWII Nazi Germany slaughtered almost six million Jews.
Instead of reflecting deeply on their poor human rights records and crimes in the past and at present the countries above crossed every line to smear and denigrate China. This only exposes their sanctimonious hypocrisy.
If they truly care about human rights why didn't they invite residents from Xinjiang to attend the event? If they truly care about human rights why don't they reflect upon and redress serious racial discriminatory policies and behavior at home? If they truly care about human rights why are they so callous as millions die of COVID-19 at home?
A Chinese poem reads that amid monkeys' howl along the riverbanks my skiff has travelled a thousand miles.China's growth and Xinjiang's stability and development will never be shaken by the clumsy show of these countries and individuals.
If someone makes a false accusation against you and arbitrarily asks you to open the door unconditionally so that they can rummage through your chests and cupboards will you allow it? This is not about facts but sovereignty and dignity!
arbitrarily /ˌɑːrbɪˈtrerəli/ :武断地;专横地
rummage /ˈrʌmɪdʒ/:乱翻;搜寻
We welcome all unbiased people to visit Xinjiang. That said we firmly reject so-called investigation with presumption of guilt by citing lies and rumors firmly reject interference in China's domestic affairs under the pretext of human rights and firmly reject playing up the so-called Xinjiang-related issues to undermine China's stability and contain China's development.
presumption of guilt:有罪推定
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