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动词ing的变化规则总结英文版:I39例句:I am frightened because this film is frightening. 我很害怕,因为这部电影很恐怖。(如果我不继续看,我就不会害怕了,但是这个电影仍然是让人感到害怕的)类型的单词frightening/frightened,interesting/interested.例子:I'm so bored! 我太无聊了! (意思是我现在感觉无聊,并不是指我是个无聊的人)例子:I feel bored because this TV programme is boring. 因为这个很无聊的电视节目,我觉得无聊。例子:As a teacher I never get bored talking about grammar although I sometimes think that my students find it a little boring.



例子: He is so boring. 他是如此无聊的人。

例子: What a boring woman.一个无聊的女人。

例子:I'm so bored! 我太无聊了! (意思是我现在感觉无聊,并不是指我是个无聊的人)

例子:I feel bored because this TV programme is boring. 因为这个很无聊的电视节目,我觉得无聊。

例子:As a teacher I never get bored talking about grammar although I sometimes think that my students find it a little boring. 作为一名教师,我从不厌烦谈论语法,尽管有时我认为我的学生觉得它有点无聊。



例句:I am frightened because this film is frightening. 我很害怕,因为这部电影很恐怖。(如果我不继续看,我就不会害怕了,但是这个电影仍然是让人感到害怕的)

例句:He's an interesting man I'm always interested in what he says. 他是个有趣的人,我总是对他说的话感兴趣。
