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全球钙钛矿与叠层电池产业化论坛:碘末端自组装单层界面可提高钙钛矿太阳能电池寿命近6倍Fig. 4 Characterization of operational stability–tested PSCs.Normalized PCE of PSCs without SAMs and ones with H-SAM or I-SAM (three devices) as a function of time under the following conditions: 1-sun continuous illumination MPP tracking unencapsulated flowing N2 atmosphere and room temperature. PCE was recorded about every hour. The lines are linear fits to the data after initial burn-in and



通过使用碘末端自组装单分子层(I-SAM)于钙钛矿太阳能电池(PSC)中,使电子传输层(ETL)与卤化物钙钛矿薄膜之间的界面处的粘合韧性提高50%,从而提高机械强度可靠性。使用I-SAM的处理还将能量转换效率从20.2%提高到21.4%,减少了磁滞现象,并提高了运行稳定性,预计T80(保留的初始效率将达到80%的初始效率)在1个光照条件下会从约700小时增加到4000小时照明和连续最大功率点。在稳定性测试中,不含SAM的PSC在ETL /钙钛矿界面处出现了不可逆的广泛形变,包括空隙形成和分层,而带有I-SAM的PSC的损伤累积最小。该结果差异归因于界面处羟基减少和较高的界面韧性的组合。以下为实验部分过程。


Fig. 1 Mechanical behavior of the ETL/MHP interface.

(A) Schematic illustration of the sandwich DCB specimen for toughness testing (not to scale). PMMA poly(methyl methacrylate). Inset shows magnified schematic illustration of idealized I-SAM. (B) Toughness of ETL/MHP interface without SAMs and ones with H-SAM or I-SAM. The histograms and error bars represent average and standard deviation respectively of 12 specimens each (see table S1 for the data). (C and D) Charge transfer density difference plots from DFT calculations. Bonding between PbI2-terminated α-FAPbI3 (001) surface and (C) H(CH2)3H (“H-SAM”) or (D) H(CH2)3I (“I-SAM”). The yellow and blue colors indicate electron gain or loss above 0.0047 e·Å−3 respectively. Dashed lines across the interface indicate no bonding.


Fig. 2 Structure and performance of PSCs.

(A) Schematic illustration (not to scale) of the n-i-p regular planar PSCs with SAMs (SAMs absent in control PSC). HTL hole transport layer. Cross-sectional SEM images of as-fabricated PSCs: (B) without SAMs (C) with H-SAM and (D) with I-SAM. Scale bars 1 μm. (E) J-V responses in reverse (R) and forward (F) scans of champion PSCs without SAMs and ones with H-SAM or I-SAM. (See Table 1 for PV performance parameters.) (F) EQE spectra and integrated JSC of the champion PSCs without SAMs and ones with H-SAM or I-SAM.


Fig. 3 Operational stability of PSCs.

Normalized PCE of PSCs without SAMs and ones with H-SAM or I-SAM (three devices) as a function of time under the following conditions: 1-sun continuous illumination MPP tracking unencapsulated flowing N2 atmosphere and room temperature. PCE was recorded about every hour. The lines are linear fits to the data after initial burn-in and nonmonotonic behavior where the y intercept and the slope are used to estimate and project the T80 duration.


Fig. 4 Characterization of operational stability–tested PSCs.

(A to C) Cross-sectional SEM images of the PSC without SAMs tested for 757 hours showing morphological degradation at the ETL/MHP interface: (A) small voids (dashed circles/ovals) (B) large voids (dashed oval) and (C) delamination (arrow). (D) Cross-sectional SEM image of the PSC with H-SAM tested for 754 hours showing delamination (arrows). (E) Cross-sectional SEM image of a PSC with I-SAM tested for 1331 hours with intact ETL/MHP interface. (F and G) SEM images of fracture surface (perovskite bottom side) of the PSC without SAMs showing: (F) small and large voids (dashed circles/ovals) and (G) interfacial delamination (arrows). (H) Corresponding SEM image of the PSC with H-SAM showing voids (dashed circles/ovals) and delamination (arrows). (I) Corresponding SEM image of the PSC with I-SAM showing minimal morphological degradation (dashed circles/ovals). Scale bars 0.5 μm [(A) to (E)] and 1 μm [(F) to (I)].



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