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gre高频词汇合集(GRE词汇Day29:)■同: unfounded unjustified unreasonable baseless groundless■e.g. a dubious request based on a gratuitous assumption 基于无根据假设的可疑要求■反: decease die expire perish succumb pass away 死亡,消亡gratuitous 英 [ɡrəˈtjuːɪtəs] 美 [ɡrəˈtuːɪtəs] adj. 无理由的,无端的;免费的考点1: adj.无根据的,无理由的: unnecessary or unwarranted


weather 英 [ˈweðə(r)] 美 [ˈweðər] n. 天气;气象;气候;处境 vt. 经受住;使风化;侵蚀;使受风吹雨打 vi. 风化;受侵蚀;经受风雨 adj. 露天的;迎风的

考点1: vt.安全渡过(危机等),经受住: to come through (something) safely

e.g. We have weathered worse crises and so we'll survive this one. 更为严重的危机我们都闯过了,这个 也不会有问题的。They weathered a terrible storm while at sea. 他们在海上平安渡过了一场巨大的风暴。

: survive

: decease die expire perish succumb pass away 死亡,消亡

gratuitous 英 [ɡrəˈtjuːɪtəs] 美 [ɡrəˈtuːɪtəs] adj. 无理由的,无端的;免费的

考点1: adj.无根据的,无理由的: unnecessary or unwarranted

e.g. a dubious request based on a gratuitous assumption 基于无根据假设的可疑要求

: unfounded unjustified unreasonable baseless groundless

: justified warranted有理有据的

考点2: adj.无报酬的,免费的: given or granted without return or recompense

e.g. a gratuitous ticket免费的门票

: free complimentary unearned voluntary

: merited 应得的

考点3: adj.多余的: not needed by the circumstances or to accomplish an end

: dispensable inessential needless redundant superfluous surplus

: critical essential pivotal vital 关键的

: gratuity n.报酬,小费

propagate 英 [ˈprɒpəɡeɪt] 美 [ˈprɑːpəɡeɪt] vt. 传播;传送;繁殖;宣传 vi. 繁殖;增殖

考点1: v.繁殖: to cause to continue or increase by sexual or asexual reproduction

e.g. the dams along the river are interfering with the salmon's ability to propagate f可上的大坝影响了大马哈鱼的繁殖

: breed multiply reproduce

: fail to multiply根除,繁殖失败

考点2: vt.传播,宣传: to cause to spread out and affect a greater number or greater area: extend

e.g. the various ways in which churches can propagate the faith 不同的宣传教义的方法

: broadcast circulate disseminate

: check 阻止

coda 英 [ˈkəʊdə] 美 [ˈkoʊdə] n. 结尾部分;终结句;尾声;终曲

考点1: n.终曲: the concluding passage of a movement or composition

e.g. A song includes prelude loud song and coda 一首歌包括前奏,高潮和尾声。

: finale epilogue

: overture prelude 前奏

ecumenical 英 [ˌekjuːˈmenɪkl; ˌiːkjuːˈmenɪkl] 美 [ˌekjuːˈmenɪkl] adj. 普遍的;世界范围的;全基督教的

考点1: adj.全球基督教会的: of relating to or representing the whole of a body of churches

: catholic

: diocesan主教管辖特定小教区的

考点2: adj.世界范围的,普遍性的: worldwide or general in extent influence or application

e.g. an ecumenical scope 国际视野

: universal cosmopolitan global planetary worldwide

: provincial insular狭隘的
