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荷兰媒体辱华:荷兰电台播放辱华歌曲遭5万人联名谴责并要求:“疾病或病毒,根本就不应该被拿来开玩笑。如果这首歌是关于癌症的,你们也会觉得好笑吗?”“Why are there people like the people at Radio 10 who dare to connect a serious virus with people of Chinese origin and those who eat Chinese food?”“怎么会有像Radio 10节目组这样的人竟然把一种严重的病毒与华裔和中餐相提并论?” “You don’t joke about an illness or a virus. Would you laugh if the song was about cancer?”


2月7日,荷兰电台radio10播放的侮辱歧视性歌曲在网上流传,视频中节目主持人Lex Gaarthuis 跟着音乐手舞足蹈,歌词将华人和冠状病毒联系起来,警告听众远离中餐,引起众多荷兰华人的愤怒。



“Why are there people like the people at Radio 10 who dare to connect a serious virus with people of Chinese origin and those who eat Chinese food?”

“怎么会有像Radio 10节目组这样的人竟然把一种严重的病毒与华裔和中餐相提并论?”

“You don’t joke about an illness or a virus. Would you laugh if the song was about cancer?”



-Radio 10电台正式道歉






在请愿声明的发起人当中,Marco Jacobs是个土生土长的荷兰人,2月7日当晚他就协助华人媒体,帮忙翻译歌词,并校对和翻译了请愿活动中的申请文书。他说当时从朋友那里听到Radio 10事件时真是要气炸了!


“有句歌词真的让我非常气愤, ‘het is allemaal de schuld van die stinkende Chinezen’意思是这些都是那些臭中国人的错,我完全震惊了,谁会这么想?”他说。

“In the song they used a sentence that really upset me they sang: ‘het is allemaal de schuld van die stinkende Chinezen’ which means as much as it is all the fault of those smelly Chinese. I was utterly shocked who would think of something like this?” he said.





Since my return to the Netherlands I have been telling people around me that certain remarks are hurtful and stigmatizing towards people of Chinese descent but I was not often heard as people only saw it as a joke and a right as they saw it as a freedom of speech.


The first reactions towards the petition were also like this people were accusing the Chinese people in the Netherlands of infringing on the right of freedom of speech and as I think freedom of speech is something we need to cherish it is not a blank check to hurt people to blame them and to instigate racial hatred.


Over the last couple of weeks Marco said he has seen behaviors against people of Asian descent in the Netherlands such as spitting at people in the face yelling coronavirus to little children and kicking an old Asian man from his bike.


According to Marco the COVID-19 virus shows the deeply ingrained prejudice against China; from the beginning it was called the China virus or Wuhan virus. By calling the virus China virus it flamed the dormant racial hatred in different societies this hatred finds its roots in ignorance.


在Radio 10事件中,电台和Lex Gaarthuis都对此事道歉,请愿活动也得到了荷兰媒体的广泛关注,当地主流媒体NPO1电视台在晚间黄金档节目De Wereld Draait Door播放了关于该事件的访谈;荷兰公诉机关就此事件展开刑事调查


“Although we have faced some acts of racism and discrimination I would like to emphasize that in this country there are also a lot of people who oppose this behavior who welcome you who want to be your friend.”



“To my friends in China I would like to say stay strong. The battle against COVID-19 will be won.”



