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信用担保用英语怎么说?商务英语和授权担保相关的用词怎么说Selected bids open bids不可撤消和无条件地担保 unconditionally and irrevocably guarantee 求真务实 与时俱进 Looking for the truth and being practical growing with age 企业载体the carrier of enterprise 对接会 Matching Meeting Matchmaking Meeting

Payment Bond付款保证书;支付担保


debt covenant 债务契约

创业中心The Center for Undertaking; Innovation Center

求真务实 与时俱进 Looking for the truth and being practical growing with age

企业载体the carrier of enterprise

对接会 Matching Meeting Matchmaking Meeting

不可撤消和无条件地担保 unconditionally and irrevocably guarantee

Selected bids open bids

invitation for bids招标邀请书

eligible source countries 合格的货源国

prequalification 资格预审 postqualification

Letter of Authority 授权书

Prospective bidders 有意向的投标人

