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成语故事兵不血刃全集(成语之背时倒霉)你看到乔安妮的新车了吗?She sure did ! No sooner did she drive it home from the dealer's than it proved defective and started breaking down.Have you seen Joanne's new car yet?Yeah. It looks good but she's had nothing but problems with it.That's too bad. It sounds like she got a real lemon.

—Learning Western Culture Bit by Bit





人也好,事也吧,都有要风得风,要雨得雨,一帆风顺的时候,但遇到“屋漏更遭连夜雨,行船便遇打头风”等事与愿违、时运不佳的时刻,也在所难免。Harry Collis收录的14个原汁原味的美国英语成语,反应的正是生活中诸如此类的“背时倒霉”时刻。请看:

1.Iemon(=something defective) 有缺陷的东西

Have you seen Joanne's new car yet?

Yeah. It looks good but she's had nothing but problems with it.

That's too bad. It sounds like she got a real lemon.

She sure did ! No sooner did she drive it home from the dealer's than it proved defective and started breaking down.


看到了, 车看起来不错,但带给她的只有麻烦。



2.out of the woods(=out of danger) 脱离危险

Although Eric was well on his way to recovering from his bout with pneumonia he was still not out of the woods. The doctors told him that he would have to take it easy and avoid exposure to cold since he was not out of danger and difficulty yet.


3.get up on the wrong side of the bed(=wake up in a bad mood)心情不好,情绪不佳

What's the matter with Bernard today? He started shouting from the moment he stepped into the office.

I don't know. He usually doesn't act that way at all. I guess he got up on the wrong side of the bed.

Just because he woke up in a bad mood is no reason for him to be so cross and to go around shouting at everybody.

Hopefully he'll relax as the day goes on.







4.out on a Ⅰimb(=in a risky position) 处于危险境地

The members of the committee realized that their position against expanding the student aid program was an unpopular one and that they were going out on a limb by voting against the program. Nevertheless their position was justified to a certain extent. Although they knew that they were placing themselves in a risky position they felt that other budgetary considerations were of greater urgency.


5.eating someone(=bothering or worrying someone) 打扰或担心某人

Hey Alice. What's been eating you lately? Don't you realize how rude and irritable you've become?

I know. I'm really sorry for the way I've been acting.

Well why don't you tell me what has been bothering and upsetting you and maybe we can work your problem out together.

I'll admit that it would help to talk to someone about it.





6.get the ax(=be dismissed fired) 被解雇

I feel sorry for Richard. He was feeling quite depressed when I ran into him.

Did he tell you what was bothering him?

Among other things he informed me that he got the ax at work.

That's strange. He's always been a conscientious worker. I wonder why they dismissed him from his job?

Evidently he had a disagreement on company policies with one of the top executives.






7.in the hoⅠe(=in debt) 负债

Unfortunately Peter had to sell his neighborhood hardware store. Because of competition from the bigger stores in the shopping center he was going in the hole every month. His store was small and did not generate enough income to meet expenses. As a consequence he was rapidly losing money and going into debt.



8.bite the buIIet(=endure in a diffiult situation)硬着头皮做,咬紧牙关应付

We really had a frightening experience when we went hunting last month.

What happened?

We got lost in the wilderness and had to bite the bullet until help arrived.

Did you manage OK?

Barely. We weren't prepared for the cold weather and we couldn't find any shelter. We had to endure in a very trying situation. We almost froze by the time they found us.






9.face the music(=accept the consequences) 直面现实,承担后果

It's no wonder you have a stomachache. I told you not to eat so many green apples. You don't listen and now you're going to have to face the music.

The trouble with me is that I can't stop with just one or two especially when they're so tart. I'll admit that I tend to forget that eventually I'm going to have to accept the consequences for what I've done.I sure hope it was worth it!



10.bIow it(=fail at something) 失败

How did you do on the history exam?

I think I blew it! There was a section on the Civil War and that's the chapter in the book that I studied the least.

Well at this point you can't really be sure that you completely failed the examination. You must have done okay on the rest of the test.

Perhaps I didn't fail the entire exam but I'm sure that I didn't do well.





11.at the end of one's rope(=at the limit of one's ability to cope) 日暮途穷,束手无策

The Jones's housekeeper was completely useless! Poor Mrs. Jones felt that she was at the end of her rope when she walked into the house and saw the children crying and unfed dirty dishes in the sink and clothes strewn all over the place. She had had to leave the house and children in someone else's care while she was off on business. Now that she came back to all of this disorder and disarray she felt that she had reached the limit of her ability to cope with the situation.


12.on one's last legs(=sick and failing) 病倒

Poor Mike. He was one of the greatest musicians I've ever known but when I saw him the other day he looked like he was on his last legs.

Yеаh. Нe hаrdlу рlау аnу mоrе.

What made him give up his music?

Apparently he lost confidence in himself at some point in his career and he's been sick and failing ever since.




13.hot under the coIIar( =extremely angry)勃然大怒

Did you see how Bill came in to work this morning?

Did I ever ! Boy was he hot under the collar!

What brought that on?

He said that he was extremely angry because he got stuck in slow-moving traffic and arrived late for an important business meeting.





14.on the Iine(=in danger of being lost) 面临失业的危险

Lately Tom's been more conscientious about the accuracy and quality of his work with the company. He was warned that his job was on the line because of his lack of concern for his duties. When Tom was alerted that he was in danger of losing his job he began to take his obligations with the company more seriously.


声明:本文根据Harry CoIⅠis 著《101个美国英语成语》相关章节编译。如有侵权,联系删除。欢迎阅读!感谢关注!持续推送中。
