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晨读英语100篇带听力中考:中考英语课程标准1600词L部分[00:27.94]land[00:25.98]n. [C]湖[00:16.79]lady[00:18.34]n. [C]女士,夫人,小姐[00:24.33]lake






[00:14.56]n. [C]实验室


[00:18.34]n. [C]女士,夫人,小姐


[00:25.98]n. [C]湖


[00:29.06]n. 陆地,大地;v.着陆;

[00:34.10]Many wild animals don't have a safe place to live

[00:37.97]because villages and farms are growing bigger

[00:41.75]and are taking away their land and forests.


[00:49.43]n. [C]语言

[00:51.06]Fans have bought about 200 million copies

[00:53.85]of Tintin's stories in more than fifty languages.


[01:02.76]adj. 大的;大量的

[01:05.42]Most large cities have zoos

[01:08.08]but have you ever been to a zoo at night?


[01:16.00]adj. 最近的;adv. 最近;v. 持续,

[01:21.72]However in my last job

[01:24.23]I could only work with numbers day after day.


[01:29.70]adj. 晚的,迟到的;adv. 晚,

[01:35.23]A:Do you ever get to class late?

[01:38.16]B:Yes I sometimes get to class late.


[01:44.98]adv. 以后,随后

[01:48.48]A few thousand years later Lu Yu

[01:51.13]“the saint of tea” mentioned Shen Nong in his book Cha Jing.


[02:01.56]v. 发笑,笑 n. [C]笑声;


[02:08.25]n. 法律;规律


[02:13.68]v. 放置,搁;产卵,


[02:21.07]adj. 懒惰的


[02:24.57]n. 懒惰,懒散

[02:28.20]If we ask people to bring food

[02:31.13]they'll just bring potato chips

[02:34.03]and chocolate because they'll be too lazy to cook.


[02:41.00]v. 引领;带路;n. 主角;


[02:48.10]n. [C]领袖,领导人


[02:53.25]n. [C]叶


[02:56.31]v. 学习;学会

[03:00.07]Hobbies can make you grow as a person

[03:03.84]develop your interests and help you learn new skills.


[03:12.09]adj.& pron. 最小的;最少的 adv. 最少


[03:19.46]v. 离开;让…处于 n. [U]休假;

[03:24.34]One day he told his teacher he wanted to leave the school.


[03:34.39]adj. 左边的 adv. 向左 n. 左


[03:41.59]n. [C]腿


[03:44.80]n. 柠檬 adj. 柠檬色的


[03:50.52]vt. 借给;借出


[03:56.10]adv. 较少;较小 pron. 较少的,

[04:01.96]There will be less free time.


[04:08.49]n. [C]课;一课时;教训

[04:14.09]One day I was playing with some paint

[04:18.69]as usual in Ms. Luo's art lesson.



[04:30.22]Let me know if you need my help.


[04:36.91]n. [C]信;字母


[04:42.19]n. 水平

[04:44.02]Next year with Mr. Trent's help

[04:47.09]my English level has been improving

[04:49.45]and I hope to get good grades at the end of the year.


[04:56.69]n. [C]图书馆,图书室


[05:02.56]vi. 说谎;躺;n. 谎言


[05:10.06]n. 生命;一生;生活


[05:17.87]v. 举起,提起;n.免费搭车,


[05:25.52]adj. 明亮的;n. [U]光,v. 点着,

[05:31.26]With no light outside it felt like midnight.


[05:38.92]v. 喜欢,喜爱 prep. 像

[05:44.33]Whether you like Indian food

[05:47.57]Western food or Japanese food

[05:50.06]you'll find it all in Singapore.


[05:56.32]n. [C]线;生产线;排,


[06:03.58]n. [C]狮子


[06:06.66]n. [C]清单,一览表 v. 把…列表

[06:13.06]The pioneers of different inventions were listed there.


[06:21.00]vi. 听,倾听

[06:24.90]Soon my friends at school started to listen

[06:27.80]and then they wanted to help.


[06:35.08]v. 乱扔 n. 垃圾


[06:40.49]adj. 小的,少的 adv. 不多

[06:46.50]I loved the races!

[06:48.15]But I guess it was a little too crowded.


[06:54.91]vi. /lɪv/生活;adj./laɪv/现场直播的


[07:01.09]adj. 活泼的;生机勃勃的


[07:09.01]adj. 当地的;局部的;地方的

[07:14.29]He found it interesting that so many products

[07:17.66]in the local shops were made in China.


[07:24.92]n. [C]锁 v. 锁,锁上


[07:31.73]n. 伦敦


[07:35.51]adj. 孤独的,寂寞的

[07:39.25]At home I always feel lonely and nervous.


[07:47.50]adj. 长,远;v.渴望


[07:54.60]v.& n. [C]瞧,看


[08:00.34]vt. 丢失;遗失;失去


[08:07.69]n. 命运 pron. 大量,许多

[08:12.46]She has already read a lot about the place

[08:16.18]and done some research on it.


[08:22.47]adj. 大声的

[08:24.16]I like music that isn't too loud.


[08:31.51]n.& vt. 爱,热爱,喜欢


[08:39.04]adj. 可爱的,美丽的


[08:44.34]adj. 低,矮;n. 低水平

[08:49.66]Tourists like the areas of low mountains

[08:53.23]and beautiful lakes in the north

[08:56.34]and the hills and pretty villages in the south.


[09:02.60]n. [U]运气;好运


[09:07.19]adj. 运气好的,幸运的

[09:11.09]David has been very lucky

[09:14.43]because his hobby has brought him pleasure and success.


[09:22.66]n. 午饭

