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生活就像一个日历经典语录,人生日历-永远相信Each row of weeks makes up one year. That’s how many weeks it takes to turn a newborn into a 90-year-old.今天,我们以周为单位来看看人的一生,如图:人的一生以月为单位,如图:每一行是三年But today we’re going to look at a human life in weeks:

Your Life in Weeks

This is a long human life in years:




And here’s a human life in months:




But today we’re going to look at a human life in weeks:



Each row of weeks makes up one year. That’s how many weeks it takes to turn a newborn into a 90-year-old.


It kind of feels like our lives are made up of a countless number of weeks. But there they are—fully countable—staring you in the face.


Before we discuss things further let’s look at how a typical American spends their weeks:



Sources: 12345


There are some other interesting ways to use the weeks chart:








But how about your weeks?



Sometimes life seems really short and other times it seems impossibly long. But this chart helps to emphasize that it’s most certainly finite. Those are your weeks and they’re all you’ve got.


Given that fact the only appropriate word to describe your weeks is precious. There are trillions upon trillions of weeks in eternity and those are your tiny handful. Going with the “precious” theme let’s imagine that each of your weeks is a small gem like a 2mm .05 carat diamond. Here’s one:


又一个最合适的单词去描述你的周数;宝贵的。永恒拥有无数的周,然而你能握住的只有有限的数量。提到宝贵,我们就把你的每一周都是一个小的宝石, 2mm直径,0.5克拉的钻石

If you multiply the volume of a .05 carat diamond by the number of weeks in 90 years (4 680) it adds up to just under a tablespoon.



Looking at this spoon of diamonds there’s one very clear question to ask: “Are you making the most of your weeks?”


In thinking about my own weeks and how I tend to use them I decided that there are two good ways to use a diamond:


1) Enjoying the diamond


2) Building something to make your future diamonds or the diamonds of others more enjoyable

In other words you have this small spoonful of diamonds and you really want to create a life in which they’re making you happy. And if a diamond is not making you happy it should only be because you’re using it to make other diamonds go down better—either your own in the future or those of others. In the ideal situation you’re well balanced between #1 and #2 and you’re often able to accomplish both simultaneously (like those times when you love your job).



Of course if a diamond is enjoyable but by enjoying it you’re screwing your future diamonds (an Instant Gratification Monkey specialty) that’s not so good. Likewise if you’re using diamond after diamond to build something for your future but it’s not making you happy and seems like a long-term thing with no end in sight that’s not great either.


But the worst possible way to use a diamond is by accomplishing neither #1 nor #2 above. Sometimes “neither” happens when you’re in either the wrong career or the wrong relationship and it’s often a symptom of either a shortage of courage self-discipline or creativity. Sometimes “neither” happens because of a debilitating problem.


We’ve all had Neither Weeks and they don’t feel good. And when a long string of Neither Weeks happens you become depressed frustrated hopeless and a bunch of other upsetting adjectives. It’s inevitable to have Neither Weeks and sometimes they’re important—it’s often a really bad Neither Week that leads you to a life-changing epiphany—but trying to minimize your Neither Weeks is a worthy goal.


It can all be summed up like this:



The Life Calendar


One of the ways we end up in NeitherLand is by not thinking about things hard enough—so one of the most critical skills is continual reflection and self-awareness. Otherwise you can fall into an unconscious rut and waste a bunch of precious diamonds.


To help both you and ourselves stay conscious and avoid NeitherLand we’ve created a Life Calendar that lays out every week of your life on one sheet of paper. We don’t typically bring products into posts but in this case they go hand-in-hand.


Besides the purpose of encouraging regular reflection we hope the calendar can help you feel more oriented in your life help you set goals and hold yourself to them and remind you to be proud of yourself for what you’ve accomplished and grateful for the diamonds in your spoon.


How you use the calendar is totally open for creativity. Some possibilities:



§ Highlight the weeks in the past in different colors to segment them into “life chapters”—i.e. High School College Job 1 Job 2 New City Engagement Marriage etc. or maybe a whole other conception of what a life chapter means to you. You can also mark special boxes where key turning points happened.

用不同的颜色代表不同的人生篇章:高中,大学,工作1 ,工作2 ,订婚,结婚 或者其他重要转折点

§ Write something in each week’s box as it goes by—the boxes are large enough to write a few words in with a sharp pencil.


§ Plot out goals for the future by making a mark on a future box and visually seeing exactly how many weeks you have to get there.


§ If you’re a new parent it might be fun to make one for your child so they can look at it later and have some info on what happened in the first few years of their life.


§ Or maybe you’d rather leave it totally untouched.

Both the week chart above and the life calendar are a reminder to me that this grid of empty boxes staring me in the face is mine. We tend to feel locked into whatever life we’re living but this pallet of empty boxes can be absolutely whatever we want it to be. Everyone you know everyone you admire every hero in history—they did it all with that same grid of empty boxes.


The boxes can also be a reminder that life is forgiving. No matter what happens each week you get a new fresh box to work with the next week. It makes me want to skip the New Year’s Resolutions—they never work anyway—and focus on making New Week’s Resolutions every Sunday night. Each blank box is an opportunity to crush the week—a good thing to remember.


The Calendar:


