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元宵节的习俗用英语怎么表示?元宵节英语怎么说元宵节时的月亮称为满月: full moonThe moon looks clearer through a telescope. 用望远镜看月亮会更清楚。The moon is round and bright.月亮又圆又亮。The moon hangs high in the sky. 月亮高高地挂在天空中。The moon is so far away. 月亮好远呀。



Admiring the Full Moon 赏月


The moon is big and round. 月亮又大又圆。

The moon is round and bright.月亮又圆又亮。

The moon hangs high in the sky. 月亮高高地挂在天空中。

The moon is so far away. 月亮好远呀。

The moon looks clearer through a telescope. 用望远镜看月亮会更清楚。

元宵节时的月亮称为满月: full moon


new moon 新月

half moon 半月

Enjoying Lanterns 赏花灯

各式各样的花灯可是元宵节最重要的元素之一。从元宵节的名字Lantern Festival 便可知道。

Let’s go see the lanterns. 我们去赏花灯吧。

Some lanterns are shaped like animals. 有些花灯是动物的形状。

Lanterns shine brightly. 花灯闪闪发光。

I like this rabbit lantern. 我喜欢这个兔子灯。

如果你在北方,还有机会观赏到冰灯 ice lantern

参加哈尔滨的冰灯节 Ice Lantern Festival

在台湾,元宵节流行放天灯 sky lantern

Make a wish when you release sky lanterns. 在放天灯的时候许个愿。

Guessing Lantern Riddles 猜灯谜



Can you tell me a word that rhymes with luck?你能告诉我一个与 luck 这个词押韵的词吗?What kind of keys can’t open doors? 什么钥匙打不开门?What kind of dog has no tail??什么狗没有尾巴?

答案分别是:duck monkey a hot dog.


Eating Tangyuan 吃汤圆

南方人吃汤圆 Tangyuan

而北方人吃元宵 Yuanxiao ,


The round shape of Tangyuan symbolizes wholeness and togetherness. 汤圆形状圆圆的,象征着团团圆圆。

Which flavor would you like? 你想吃什么口味的?

I would like black sesame flavor. 我想吃黑芝麻馅的。

I would like bean paste flavor. 我想吃豆沙馅的。


glutinous rice 糯米

lions/dragons dancing 舞龙/舞狮

guess lantern riddles 猜灯谜

play couplets game 对对联

enjoy beautiful lanterns 赏花灯

snuff 灯花

exhibit of lanterns 灯会

dragon lantern dancing 耍龙灯

walking on stilts 踩高跷

land boat dancing 划旱船

yangko/yangge dance 扭秧歌

beating drums while dancing 打太平鼓

drum dance 腰鼓舞

fireworks party 焰火大会

traditional opera 戏曲

variety show/vaudeville 杂耍

Lantern Festival's temple fair 元宵庙会

colored lanterns' temple fair 彩灯庙会

这么多和元宵节有关的英语词汇,同学们都学会了吗?最后,香港现代教育提前祝大家Lantern Festival元宵节快乐,天天拥有好心情!

