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初级口语第20讲:口语讲堂第73期Change1. 关于一些可以改进的常见性格词汇:lazy懒惰的;mean小气的;narrow-minded心胸狭窄的;ungrateful不领人情的;gullible容易上当受骗的;childish幼稚的语料分析:思路:我们通过读题知道这是要求你说一些关于性格方面的增进。作为学生来讲,无非是学习不够刻苦,有点小懒lazybones; 或者做事不够专心,自由散漫,影响上课 loose;再或者不够自信lack of self-confidence; 精神紧张,get nervous easily 给自己过大压力feel stressful等等。我们把问题提出来,并加上一个小案例作证一下,就可以有力的说明我们确实需要变得更好了,最后如果能把改变之后的相反意义的形容词再用到,答案就变得更加完整了。Sometimes I kind of stress myself too much. I usually



第一个问题问的是关于你的性格你有什么想要改变的:What would you like to change about your personality?


这个问题问的是你现在有什么想提高和改变,而并不是你过去有过一个缺点,经过你的不断努力终于改掉了!如若这样,你的时态变化就和题目有比较大的出入了。题目中是What would you like to do,你希望怎么去做,要求说的是你坐在考官面前就有的问题,而想去进行变化的。


我们通过读题知道这是要求你说一些关于性格方面的增进。作为学生来讲,无非是学习不够刻苦,有点小懒lazybones; 或者做事不够专心,自由散漫,影响上课 loose;再或者不够自信lack of self-confidence; 精神紧张,get nervous easily 给自己过大压力feel stressful等等。我们把问题提出来,并加上一个小案例作证一下,就可以有力的说明我们确实需要变得更好了,最后如果能把改变之后的相反意义的形容词再用到,答案就变得更加完整了。

Sometimes I kind of stress myself too much. I usually worry a lot about things. When dealing with exams I get really tense before entering the classroom. Now I’m sitting the IELTS test in front of you I have sweaty hands and butterflies in the stomach. I always want to do things perfectly so I guess I’m used to pushing myself. So I suppose I must make the change step by step to be more confident and relaxed.


1. 关于一些可以改进的常见性格词汇:lazy懒惰的;mean小气的;narrow-minded心胸狭窄的;ungrateful不领人情的;gullible容易上当受骗的;childish幼稚的

2.参加考试可以用take the exam 或者sit the exam,宾语用test替换也可以。

接下来这个问题问的是关于你的日常安排是否有你想改变的地方:What would you like to change about your daily routine?


我们一看到daily routine,有可能同学们就联想到的就是每一天早起8点干什么,9点干什么等等,其实在这里我们说的是schedule,日程安排表;而routine的侧重点是相对固定周期要做的事情,并不一定是每一天都要干的。比如说我每周洗一次衣服do the laundry,这就算是我的一个routine。


那么就是说,有哪些事情是你原来一直在做,但是你觉得不是很好,比方说是unhealthy,bad habit等等;或者是你认为可以让自己变得更好make it better 或者提升自己的生活质量improve the quality of life等。这时同时也要注意你的时态,提到想要改变的事物时应该用与将来有关的时态,说明原因时可以是现在完成时表示持续,也可以是一般现在时表示你目前现有的状态和习惯。

As a senior high school student there isn’t much space I can do to totally change my schedule. However I suppose I should try to sleep and get up earlier. I study more than 8 hours on a daily basis and watch movies from the Internet late at night sometimes. It would affect my concentration if I stay up. Additionally l hope I can have enough time to do exercise on a weekly basis. I would like to try new sports like aerobics for instance.


1. on a daily/weekly basis是一种表达频度的方式,另外,我们常见的频度副词有always usually often sometimes hardly ever never等。更高阶一点的表达可以是constantly frequently occasionally from time to time rarely等。

2. 熬夜可以用的基本表达是stay up late,另外sit up; burn the midnight oil也可以表达这一概念。另外,夜猫子可以说成night bird或者night owl。

下一个问题问的是关于友谊会不会因为时间的增长,年龄的增加而改变:How do friendships change as we get older?




在回答这个问题时,我们需要首先确定你究竟要从哪一个角度来完成,是会改变,还是不会改变,还是从一定程度上发生了改变。我们一般认为只说单方面是比较容易的。相信大家都为写大作文to what extent do you agree or disagree这样的题目而找素材费光了脑细胞。所以,我们以不会改变为例,首先亮明自己的观点(回答问题),然后给出能支撑你的答案的例子(论据),同时也可退一步(反证),说明确实发生了一定的客观变化,但是(转折)真正的友谊,是不会变化的。

If you ask me I don’t really think that real friendship changes with time. It can only get stronger if it's sincere and true. Nevertheless when we get older we may have completely different priorities with our families or occupations. As a direct result we will not see our friends in person as often as we used to. But it doesn't mean that the feelings change. When we meet again we will laugh and talk together just like in old times.


1. 表示转折,并可以用到句首的连接词:However; Nevertheless; Although; Even though; Even if; In fact; Yet; On the contrary; On the other hand; At the same time等。

2. used to do something 表达过去常常做某事,而现在不做了;be/become/get used to doing something 习惯于做某事,一定注意to是介词,后面是doing的形式;另外,be used to do something也是可以的,这里to就成为不定式,单纯表达被用来使用。

最后一个问题问的是关于什么改变能够提高人们的幸福感:What changes in people’s lives increase their happiness?


这个问题的主语为people’s lives 而不是在你的生活里发生了什么事情,所以同学们尽量不要举自己的例子。另外,这个问题的时态是一般现在时,说明了我们要聊的是根据自己的经验和知识来谈论一个现象,举出例子。当然,在我们给例子的时候可以灵活的掌握时态,但是最好操作的是一般将来时,什么是可以增长我们的幸福感的。



There are a variety of things that would change our lives in a positive way. I bet that students will definitely be thrilled to graduate from senior high school and start a totally different experience at university. With time goes by people will be delighted to find a decent job or get a promotion in his or her area. Speaking of personal life getting married and having a baby can absolutely make people ecstatic.


1. 大量的:可以有多种表达可以替换,修饰可数时,many a vast/great/large/good number of a variety of the number of few a few numerous hundreds/dozens/thousands of; 修饰不可数时,much little a little a great/good deal of a large quantity of a large amount of; 都可以修饰的,lots of a lot of large quantities of mass of heaps of loads of等。

2. 表达高兴的词语或者短语:最简单的I’m happy. 另外还有几种不错的表达大家可以用起来:I’m ecstatic. 高兴的忘乎所以了。I’m thrilled.我太激动了。 I’m delighted. 我是兴高采烈的。后面还可以加上beyond imagination这样的短语来再次加强语气。另外I’m walking on air. I’m in good mood. Too good to be true.都是可以用来表达心情不错这个含义。

