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形容服饰的词语英语,有关衣服的英语成语1. She rolled her sleeves up and started doing the housework.2. Let's roll up our sleeves work together and try to get the work done.短语to roll one's sleeves up字面意思是把袖子向上卷。这个习语比喻的意思是为艰苦的工作做准备。It was embarrassing for her to be seen in her birthday suit."Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence in society."Quote attributed to Mark TwainThe committee must surely



be in somebody's shoes




I wouldn't like to be in Nancy's shoes. She'll have a lot of problems with her boss.

birthday suit含义生日装”这个成语是指裸体的人。例句

It was embarrassing for her to be seen in her birthday suit.

Clothes make the man 含义clothes make The man ids是一句谚语,意思是人们根据他们的穿着方式来判断他们。例句

"Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence in society."
Quote attributed to Mark Twain

in someone's pocket 含义to be in someone's pocket这个短语的意思是在经济上依赖某人,因此受到他们的影响。例句

The committee must surely have been in his pocket.

roll one's sleeves up 含义

短语to roll one's sleeves up字面意思是把袖子向上卷。这个习语比喻的意思是为艰苦的工作做准备。


1. She rolled her sleeves up and started doing the housework.
2. Let's roll up our sleeves work together and try to get the work done.

tighten your belt 含义

如果你勒紧腰带(tighten your belt),意思是你试着花更少的钱或使用更少的资源。


- Going on holiday abroad will cost us a lot of money so we're all going to have to tighten our belts.
- She decided to tighten her belt because she was fired from her full-time job.
