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雅思口语买的让你开心的东西:雅思口语P2高分素材These baskets are handcrafted. I used to watch my grandfather and other older villagers making such pack baskets and it’s such a fascinating process. It starts with selecting decent bamboo preferably tall and straight. Then they skillfully slice them into thin bamboo strips with a knife made specifically for chopping branches. After some mental calculations they then start the complex process o

爱吃辣的加拿大大叔 雅思托福10多年一线教学 中文说得还不错,头像是他家猫 在这里分享他原创的雅思写作干货 每篇范文都有配音,在同名公众号“英语考试Cat”

你好呀,我是来自加拿大的雅思外教Mac。今天,给大家分享1个雅思口语Part 2高频话题的高分语料。



- IELTS Speaking Part 2 -


Describe a traditional product in your country. You should say:

  • What it is
  • When you tried this product for the first time
  • What it is made of

And explain how you feel about it.

A traditional product I often see back in Sichuan is a type of basket like a backpack made from bamboo.

Back in the 90s in the small towns in Sichuan that’s what parents use to carry their babies around with. It’s made in a way that the baby can comfortably sit in it. And since the edge is secured by colorful cloth it’s safe for the baby to lean on while sitting or dozing off in it and though I have actually never worn one I was one of those babies that was carried around in one.

These baskets are handcrafted. I used to watch my grandfather and other older villagers making such pack baskets and it’s such a fascinating process. It starts with selecting decent bamboo preferably tall and straight. Then they skillfully slice them into thin bamboo strips with a knife made specifically for chopping branches. After some mental calculations they then start the complex process of weaving. For the bent areas they hold the bamboo strips over a fire to make them pliable. While doing all this work these villagers would all smoke tobacco pipes holding the pipes between their lips and though the work is laborious they did seem to enjoy it.

Back in my childhood these baskets were ubiquitous in the countryside as every family had one but these days people carry their babies around in baby strollers and so the bamboo ones are gradually disappearing which I think is a pity as it means the loss of a traditional craft.


Vocabulary (and colloquialisms) 高分地道词汇和短语

  • edge 边缘
  • secured by 牢固;牢靠
  • dozing off 打瞌睡
  • handcrafted 手工制作
  • fascinating 令人着迷的
  • decent 像样的;不错的
  • preferably 最好地
  • strips 条
  • slice 划开
  • made specifically for 专门为
  • mental calculations 心算
  • weaving 编织
  • pliable 柔韧
  • tobacco pipes 烟斗
  • laborious 耗时费力的
  • ubiquitous 无处不在
  • baby strollers 婴儿车

Coherence 展示“流利性与连贯性”的词汇和短语:

  • back in
  • that's what
  • and since
  • and though
  • it starts with
  • then
  • after
  • while
  • these
  • as
  • but these days
  • which
  • as it means



