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专升本基础英语题目(专升本英语练习)C.we found a lot of mistakes in thereport B.there were a lot of mistakes in the report2. Written in greathaste _______.A.the secretary made a lot of mistakes in the report



1.In England tea_______with milk and sugar.

A. is serving B. is served

C. serves D. served

2. Written in great

haste _______.

A.the secretary made a lot of mistakes in the report

B.there were a lot of mistakes in the report

C.we found a lot of mistakes in thereport

D.the report was full of mistakes

3. It’s suggested that each one of us_______the training classes for English.

A. takes part in

B. take part in

C. took part in

D. would take part in

4. The only thing

_______interests me is the progress of my students.

A. what B. that

C. which D. it

5. People do not realize the importance of good health _______ they have lost it.

A. until B. when

C. since D. as

6. If there were no homework at weekends students would have _______at home.

A. the happiest time

B. much happiest time

C. a more happier time

D. a much happier time




【精析】B serve sth.with sth.意为“某物搭配某物一起提供”。本句中tea(茶)是被提供的,因此用被动语态。



【精析】D Written in great haste 在本句中作独立主格,其逻辑主语应与主句的主语保持一致。因为用的是被动语态。Written,很明显其主语应该是report 故主句主语也应该是report 用排除法可知答案为D。



【精析】B 在 It’s suggested/advised/demanded...表建议、要求、命令等意义的词引导的主语从句中,谓语需用should 动词原形,should可以省略,故选B。



【精析】B 定语从句中的先行词有only、形容词最高级等词修饰时,引导词要用that 故选B。



【精析】A not...until意为“直到……才”,因为句中有not 只能选until。



【精析】D have a happy time“玩得愉快”,其比较级形式应为“have a much happier time”。
