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快递绿色包装标准化指导意见(快递包装绿色治理)We need to raise people's awareness develop a conservation system in which everyone plays a part and mainstream ecological conservation into every aspect of social life. We need to advocate the value of green development that reveres and cares for nature so that blue skies green fields and clear waters will be a vision cherished by all.要倡导环保意识、生态意识,构建全社会共同参与的环境治理体系,让生态环保思想成为社会生活中的主流文化。要倡导尊重自然、爱

国家邮政局发展研究中心近日发布《中国邮政快递业绿色发展报告(2019-2020年)》。报告称,2019年我国在快递包装绿色治理方面取得显著成效,行业正加速构建绿色发展体系。报告重申,到2025年年底,全国范围邮政快递网点禁止使用不可降解的塑料包装袋、塑料胶带和一次性塑料编织袋。China made remarkable progress on the green governance of express packaging in 2019 with a more environment-friendly development framework taking shape according to a recent report on the green development of China's post and express industry. Compiled by the development and research center of the State Post Bureau the report reaffirmed the country's plan to cease the use of non-degradable plastic packaging plastic tape and single-use plastic woven bags at postal and express service outlets by 2025.









We need to raise people's awareness develop a conservation system in which everyone plays a part and mainstream ecological conservation into every aspect of social life. We need to advocate the value of green development that reveres and cares for nature so that blue skies green fields and clear waters will be a vision cherished by all.



Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets. China must pursue the vision of innovative coordinated green and open development that is for everyone accelerate forming spatial patterns industrial structures production and living modes that are resource-saving and environmental-friendly and provide time and space for the natural ecology to rehabilitate.




green development

资源节约型、环境友好型社会resource-conserving environment-friendly society

遏制环境破坏 curb environmental damage

