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gre单词有多少个(GRE单词steadfast)【考法1】n. 一致: a state of consistencyaccord 英 /əˈkɔːd/ 美 /əˈkɔːrd/ n. 协议,条约;符合,一致 v. 使受到,给予(某种待遇);(与……)一致,符合【反】carefully planned strictly methodical assiduous 精心计划的,有系统的,勤勉的【考法2】adj.令人失望的: disappointing in progress performance or quality【例】a desultory fifth place finish让人失望的第五名



desultory 英 /ˈdesəltri/ 美 /ˈdesəltɔːri/ adj. 断断续续的;散漫的;不连贯的,无条理的

【考法1】adj.无计划、无目的的: lacking a definite plan purpose or pattern

【例】a desultory search for something of interest on TV 漫无目的的换台

【近】digressive excursive meandering rambling wandering

【反】carefully planned strictly methodical assiduous 精心计划的,有系统的,勤勉的

【考法2】adj.令人失望的: disappointing in progress performance or quality

【例】a desultory fifth place finish让人失望的第五名

accord 英 /əˈkɔːd/ 美 /əˈkɔːrd/ n. 协议,条约;符合,一致 v. 使受到,给予(某种待遇);(与……)一致,符合

【考法1】n. 一致: a state of consistency

【例】This map doesn't seem to be in accord with the current layout of the streets.这幅地图似乎与当前的街道情况不尽一致。

【近】accordance agreement conformity congruence congruity consonance harmony tune

【反】conflict disagreement incongruence incongruity incongruousness 不一致

【考法2】vi.相符合,相一致: to be consistent or in harmony

【例】a theory that accords with the known facts 与己知事实相一致的理论;He claims that the newspaper's quote does not accord with what he actually said.他声称报纸引用的他的话与原文并不相符。

【近】agree chord cohere coincide conform correspond fit harmonize jibe sort square tally

【反】differ disagree 不相同,不一致

【考法3】vt.授予,给予: to grant or give especially as appropriate due or earned

【例】Women were finally accorded the right to vote in 1920.女性最终在 1920 年获得了投票权。

【近】accord award grant vest vouchsafe

【反】withhold保留,不给予;recant retract withdraw撤回,收回

【派】accordance n. 一致,和谐

pout 英 /paʊt/ 美 /paʊt/ v. 撅嘴 n. 撅嘴;生气;闷闷不乐

【考法1】vi.(特别是撅嘴)表示不悦: to show displeasure especially by thrusting out the lips or wearing a sullen expression

【例】She pouted and didn't say a word to anyone all morning. 她整个早上都闷闷不乐,没和别人说一句话。

【近】grump mope sulk


moth-eaten 英 /ˈmɒθ iːtn/ 美 /ˈmɔːθ iːtn/ adj. 虫蛀的;过时的;破旧的

【考法1】adj.过时的: having passed its time of use or usefulness

【例】dressed in a moth-eaten style 过时的衣着

【近】antiquated archaic dated fossilized moribund outdated outworn rusty

【反】fresh new崭新的;promising 充满希望的

steadfast 英 /ˈstedfɑːst/ 美 /ˈstedfæst/ adj. 忠诚的,坚定的

【考法1】adj.坚定的,忠诚的: firm in belief determination or adherence

【例】Her comrades remained steadfast despite brutal tortures.尽管有残酷的折磨,她的同志们都保持了忠诚。

【近】constant dedicated devoted devout loyal pious staunch steady true-blue

【反】disloyal perfidious recreant traitorous treacherous unfaithful 不忠的
