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怎么汇总每日单词(每日单词translucent)translucent:If a material is translucent some light can pass through it. 基本释义 In the ocean light is always coming from above and the background is less variable. But in jungle canopy light is coming from many directions and the background is far more variable. Enter a little critter called the glass frog. It's not actually transparent; it's translucent. That means its skin in some pla


translucent /trænzˈluːsnt/



In the ocean light is always coming from above and the background is less variable. But in jungle canopy light is coming from many directions and the background is far more variable. Enter a little critter called the glass frog. It's not actually transparent; it's translucent. That means its skin in some places is thin enough that you can actually see its internal organs hard at work.




translucent:If a material is translucent some light can pass through it.

adj. 半透明的


单词translucent里的词根luc来自拉丁语lustris ,表示“光,亮”,所以,在英语里包含luc/lus的单词,多与此相关。例如:

lucid /ˈluːsɪd/ adj. 透明的,清晰的

Lucifer /ˈluːsɪfər/ n. 启明星

illustrate /ˈɪləstreɪt/ n. 阐明;图解

illustrious /ɪˈlʌstriəs/ adj. 著名的;辉煌的

所以,trans(穿透) luc(光) ent(形容词后缀)=(一些)光线能穿透的→半透明的;透亮的
