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维纳归因理论的应用有哪些(Alevel心理学知识点笔记整理)所用的 "小组 "由三个人组成。他们可能不认为自己是一个团体。There was no right or wrong answer it was an ambiguous task and Sherif told them that he was going to move the light so they were more likely to chane their minds anyway.Sherif claimed that he had shown conformity. The individuals were experiencing informational social influence. 谢里夫声称,他表现出了一致性。个人正在经历信息性的社会影响。Criticism of Sherif's work 对谢里夫的工作的批评:The &

There are three important key studies that you should know 有三个重要的关键研究,你应该知道:

Sherif's Conformity and the autokinetic effect experiment (1935) 谢里夫的顺应性和自动效应实验(1935)

The autokinetic effect: In this experiment a single point of light in a dark room seems to move. In the experiment the subjects are unable to keep their eyes perfectly still and in the dark there is no point of reference.



Sherif conducted two versions of this experiment 谢里夫进行了这个实验的两个版本:

  1. Individuals were asked to estimate how far they thought the light moved then tested them together in a group. Estimates in the group converged as they established a 'group norm'. This was close to the average of estimates they gave individually. 个人被要求估计他们认为光线移动的距离,然后在一个小组中一起测试他们。小组中的估计值趋于一致,因为他们建立了一个 "小组标准"。这接近于他们个人所做估计的平均值。
  2. A group was asked to give estimates of how far they thought the light moved then they were asked to give individual estimates these were very close to the group estimate. 一个小组被要求对他们认为光线移动的距离作出估计,然后他们被要求作出单独的估计,这些估计与小组的估计非常接近。

Sherif claimed that he had shown conformity. The individuals were experiencing informational social influence. 谢里夫声称,他表现出了一致性。个人正在经历信息性的社会影响。

Criticism of Sherif's work 对谢里夫的工作的批评:

The 'group' used consisted of three people. They may not have considered themselves to be a group.

There was no right or wrong answer it was an ambiguous task and Sherif told them that he was going to move the light so they were more likely to chane their minds anyway.

所用的 "小组 "由三个人组成。他们可能不认为自己是一个团体。



Asch's Visual judgement experiment (1951) 阿什的视觉判断实验(1951年)

Solomon Asch thought he would improve on Sherif's work and really demonstrate conformity. He showed just how easy it is to influence someone into saying something blatantly wrong!


Asch showed a group of people a series of cards similar to the ones below 阿什向一群人展示了一系列类似于下面这些卡片的东西:


Each test had only one innocent subject the others in each group were stooges. When he gave the stooges a secret signal they all gave a predetermined incorrect answer.


The results:

74% of the innocent participants went along with the group and conformed giving the incorrect answer at least once.

If you count all the trials carried out 34% showed conformity.

Asch went on to test out different conditions on levels of conformity using the same set up. His method became known as the Asch paradigm.



阿什继续用同样的方法测试了不同条件下的服从程度。他的方法被称为 "阿什范式"。

Asch concluded that various factors can affect the level of conformity 阿什的结论是,各种因素都会影响顺从程度:

  1. Three 'stooges' produced maximum levels of conformity. With very large numbers conformity levels drop dramatically (perhaps the game is then too obvious!). 三个 "傀儡 "产生了最大的服从水平。在人数众多的情况下,服从水平会急剧下降(也许是游戏太明显了!)。
  2. Just one stooge not going along is enough to dramatically reduce conformity levels. 只要有一个傀儡不听话,就足以大大降低服从水平。
  3. Difficult tasks tend to lead to more conformity. 困难的任务往往会导致更多的一致性。
  4. Ambiguous tasks tend to lead to more conformity as people may feel less certain of their own ideas. 模糊的任务往往会导致更多的服从,因为人们可能对自己的想法不太确定。
  5. Men may try to appear more independent because of social expectations. 由于社会期望,男性可能试图表现得更加独立。
  6. Women tend to show more conformity than men do when their answers are said out loud publicly. 当他们的答案被公开大声说出来时,女性往往比男性表现得更符合要求。
  7. Low self-esteem may lead to higher conformity. This reflects low self-confidence or strong need for approval of others. 低自尊可能会导致更多的顺从。这反映了低自信心或对他人认可的强烈需求。
  8. Conformity rates are higher when people are attracted to other members of the group. 当人们被群体中的其他成员吸引时,顺从率会更高。

Have you ever agreed with someone just because you fancy them? 你是否曾经因为看中某人而同意他的观点?

Criticism of Asch's work 对阿什的工作的批评:

Some critics thought the high levels of conformity found by Asch were a reflection of American 1950's culture:

'It was time-consuming and uneconomical'. (Crutchfield)

'Tasks set not like real-life situations'. (Crutchfield)

'It did not account for minority'. influences




'它没有考虑到少数人'。 影响因素


Zimbardo's Prison simulation experiment (1971) 津巴多的监狱模拟实验(1971)

This experiment was designed to show conformity to social roles this is an an example of normative influence. Volunteers were given authority and asked to act as guards over other volunteers who were prisoners.


Aim: to see the psychological effects of making 'normal' 'good' people into prisoners or guards.

Volunteers: 24 middle class male college students mentally sound in tests and no criminal records were paid $15 per day and divided into prisoners or guards by the flip of a coin.

Procedure: Prisoners were arrested at their homes at the start of the study blindfolded and taken to Stanford University Psychology Department basement which had been converted into a realistic prison! From then on the volunteers were treated as prisoners by the other volunteers who were guards.

End of the study: The study was stopped after six days because the guards became sadistic and the prisoners became extremely stressed.

目的:看看把 "正常"、"好 "的人变成囚犯或看守的心理影响。




Questions to consider 需要考虑的问题:

  • What does Zimbardo's study teach us about police procedures? 津巴多的研究在警察程序方面给我们什么启示?
  • What are the effects of living with no windows or clocks? 在没有窗户或时钟的情况下生活会有什么影响?
  • Why were prisoners dressed in smocks with no underwear and given stocking caps and ID numbers? 为什么囚犯要穿上没有内衣的长袍,并给他们戴上丝袜帽和身份证号码?
  • Why did guards wear mirrored sunglasses? 为什么看守们要戴着镜面太阳镜?
  • What instructions were the guards given? 狱警们得到了什么指示?
  • How much had the prisoners given informed consent to? 囚犯们在知情的情况下同意了多少?
  • What sort of punishments did the guards give to the prisoners? 警卫对囚犯进行了什么样的惩罚?
  • How did guards deal with an initial rebellion? 狱警是如何处理最初的叛乱的?
