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为什么有些人不喜欢打标点符号(句号代表生气了)Example:Sounds good…例子:听起来不错…Research shows that roughly 60% to 80% of our face-to-face communication is non-verbal language such as the pacing pauses gestures and tone. All of these cues bring energy and emotional nuance to our message.因为看不见这些非语言信息,在文字交流中,标点符号就成了很多人判断对方情绪的线索。而不同年龄段的人又对这些标点符号有着不同的理解。今日美国(USA Today)就对这一信息作了梳理。省略号 ellipsis

在后疫情时代(post-pandemic era),越来越多的工作和学习移到了线上。这种线上的沟通听不见声音,也看不见表情,有时便难免造成一些误会。



图源:The Atlantic


Research shows that roughly 60% to 80% of our face-to-face communication is non-verbal language such as the pacing pauses gestures and tone. All of these cues bring energy and emotional nuance to our message.

因为看不见这些非语言信息,在文字交流中,标点符号就成了很多人判断对方情绪的线索。而不同年龄段的人又对这些标点符号有着不同的理解。今日美国(USA Today)就对这一信息作了梳理。

省略号 ellipsis


Example:Sounds good…


To older texters:The dot-dot-dot can mean an indication of a new idea with no negative connotation.


To younger texters: The ellipsis can be used to convey that there's something left unsaid.


Explanation of difference:Computer space is cheap. So to begin a new idea a younger person will likely begin a new message. They'll use the ellipsis only to add a meaning to their message.

句号 period


Example: Sounds good.


To older texters:This is the natural way to end a sentence.


To younger texters:A period reinforces a negative connotation to a sentence particularly with short sentences that stand alone.


Explanation of difference:The period in the example could indicate the opposite of what the words literally mean because one's voice typically goes down when reading a sentence that ends in a period. The falling intonation seems to undermine it especially for a younger reader.

感叹号 Exclamation mark/point


Example: Sounds good!


To older texters:This can read like yelling.


To younger texters: An exclamation point might feel like a tool indicating politeness.


Explanation of difference:Exclamation points have been used as "a politeness marker" since the early 2000s. However recently there are young people who say they're not allowed to use the exclamation mark at work because their employers perceive it as aggressive.

“单独使用的感叹号不是作为强度符号使用,而是一种表达真诚的符号”,研究网络语言的语言学家Gretchen McCulloch说。“如果我以 ‘谢谢!’结束一篇邮件,我不是在大喊或者在特别表达热情。我只是在表达我真挚的谢意,而且我说的时候带着一点礼节性的微笑”。

"The single exclamation mark is being used not as an intensity marker but as a sincerity marker " says Gretchen McCulloch a linguist who studies online communication. "If I end an email with 'Thanks!' I'm not shouting or being particularly enthusiastic; I'm just trying to convey that I'm sincerely thankful and I'm saying it with a bit of a social smile."


McCulloch ran a Twitter poll asking: "If I wanted to convey genuine enthusiasm to you how many exclamation marks would I need?" After nearly 800 votes the winner was three. McCulloch did a couple follow-up polls too. The spread looked a little different for each but in both cases most people thought one wasn't enough.

表情符号 emoji


Results indicated some emoji are significantly related with three of the Big-Five personality traits - emotional stability extraversion and agreeableness.

