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做选择英语里介词用take还是pay(英语中payspend)例如:It took them four years to build this bridge.3. take后面常跟双宾语,常见有以下用法:1) It takes sb. +时间+to do sth.3) spend money for sth.例如:His money was spent for pencils.2. cost主语多指物,过去式和过去分词都是cost,且不能用于被动语态。



1) sb. spend ...on sth

例如:I spend two days on this problem.

2) spend in doing sth,其中in可省略

例如:They spend two days (in)building the house.

3) spend money for sth.

例如:His money was spent for pencils.

2. cost主语多指物,过去式和过去分词都是cost,且不能用于被动语态。

例如:A new telephone costs a lot of money.

3. take后面常跟双宾语,常见有以下用法:1) It takes sb. +时间+to do sth.

例如:It took them four years to build this bridge.

(2)doing sth. takes sb. +时间

例如:Repairing this computer took him the whole day.

4. pay的主语多指人,常用搭配 pay for

例如:I have to pay for the book lost.

pay的其他搭配还有:pay back 一般指报复

pay off 回报 使...得益,pay up 全部付清

5. 习题巩固

1. I'm interested in animals,so I___every Monday working in an animal hospital.

A. pay B.cost C.take D.spend


2. They spend too much time___the report.

A. writing B.to write C.on writing D.write


3.What beautiful shoes you're.wearing!

They must be expensive.

No,they only ___10 yuan.

A. pay B.cost C.take D.spend


4. Will you please___for my dinner Amy?

A. pay B.cost C.take D.spend


5.It will__me too much time to read this book.

A. pay B.cost C.take D.spend


6. This science book __me a great amount of money.

A. pay B.cost C.take D.spend

