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顶级艺术宝库龙门石窟(一幅全英版数字长卷)当数字技术与龙门石窟相遇,龙门西山的峭壁、山石、河流近在眼前,能够身临其境地感受中华古代文明带来的震撼。此次全英版数字长卷的发布,更是将中国传统文化艺术的璀璨结晶传播给世界。As one of the first teams focusing on heritage digitalization in China Zhejiang University and The Longmen Grottoes Research Institute staff reproduced classical niches in the Longmen Grottoes to scale through 3D high-fidelity digital measurement and reproduction technology presenting a vivid Longmen Grottoes


Let an English digital handscroll present you the Longmen Grottoes with the greatest aesthetic pleasure!


What would it be if you could view the world heritage in the Chinese ink painting?


Check it out in the Film Heritages in Longmen H5 digital handscroll co-produced by Zhejiang Daily Press Group The Longmen Grottoes Research Institute and The Academy of Culture Heritage in Zhejiang University!


As one of the first teams focusing on heritage digitalization in China Zhejiang University and The Longmen Grottoes Research Institute staff reproduced classical niches in the Longmen Grottoes to scale through 3D high-fidelity digital measurement and reproduction technology presenting a vivid Longmen Grottoes to viewers.


The combination of digital technology and the Longmen Grottoes will take the fantastic scenery of the West Hill in Longmen close to the viewers allowing them to experience the masterpieces from ancient China. The official release of this English digital handscroll further promotes the respected work of traditional Chinese culture and art to the world.


Tap the poster to enter the handscroll now and start your 360° VR immersive visit to the Longmen Grottoes!



监制/ 蒋蕴

Executive Producer: Jiang Yun

策划/ 黄昕

Line Producer: Huang Xin

记者/ 肖淙文 戚建卫 严粒粒 周林怡

Reporter: Xiao Congwen Qi Jianwei Yan Lili Zhou Linyi

插画/ 张恬怡 王汝吉 张家奇(实习) 吴海林(实习)

Illustrator: Zhang Tianyi Wang Ruji Zhang Jiaqi (Intern) Wu Hailin (Intern)

设计/ 胡祥宇 谢丹阳

Graphic Designer: Hu Xiangyu Xie Danyang

技术/ 陈昱志

Post-Production Engineer: Chen Yuzhi

视频/ 赵亚鑫

Video Editor: Zhao Yaxin

翻译/ 胡玲玲 颜一颀

Translator: Hu Lingling Yan Yiqi
