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怎样记记不住的单词(记不住单词怎么办)3. unhygienic,adj. hygienic干净的,unhygienic不干净的。My seat was really uncomfortable. 我的座位很不舒服。1. unhappy,adj. happy快乐的,unhappy不快乐的。Dave was unhappy about the restaurant. 戴夫对那家餐馆不满意。2. uncomfortable,adj. comfortable舒服的,uncomfortable不舒服的。



前缀是构词法的重要部分,通常是几个字母,放在单词前改变词义。本期跟BBC learning English的节目6 minute vocabulary一起来学三个否定前缀 (prefix)。


1. unhappy,adj. happy快乐的,unhappy不快乐的。

Dave was unhappy about the restaurant. 戴夫对那家餐馆不满意。

2. uncomfortable,adj. comfortable舒服的,uncomfortable不舒服的。

My seat was really uncomfortable. 我的座位很不舒服。

3. unhygienic,adj. hygienic干净的,unhygienic不干净的。

And I looked in the kitchen – it was really unhygienic. 我看了看厨房,真的很不卫生。

4. unclean,adj. clean干净的,unclean不干净的。

He said the seats were uncomfortable – meaning not comfortable and the kitchen was unhygienic meaning unclean – not clean. 他说座位uncomfortable,意思是不舒服,厨房unhygienic,意思是不干净。

5. uncooked,adj. cooked煮熟的,uncooked没煮熟的。

When my food came it was uncooked. 送来的食物是生的。

in- (或者il- im- or ir-)

in- 通常在l之前变为 'il-' ;在b m或者p之前变为'im-' ;在r前变为 'ir-'。这些变化是为了更容易发音。


1. intolerable,adj. tolerable可容忍的,intolerable无法忍受的。

Dave said the meal was intolerable. 戴夫说这顿饭太难吃了。

2. inexpensive,adj. expensive贵的,inexpensive不贵的。

There is a large variety of good inexpensive restaurants. 有多种物美价廉的餐馆。

3. illegal,adj. legal合法的,illegal不合法的。

It is illegal to intercept radio messages. 窃听无线电信息是违法的。

4. impossible,adj. possible可能的,impossible不可能的。

It was impossible for anyone to get in because no one knew the password. 任何人都不可能进得去,因为没人知道口令。

5. irregular,adj. regular常规的,irregular不规则的。

Cars passed at irregular intervals. 汽车以不规律的时间间隔驶过。


1. disagree,v. agree同意,disagree不同意。

I told the waiter but he disagreed. He said it was fine. He said he'd eat it himself! 我告诉了服务员,但他不同意。他说饭是熟的。他说他自己都能吃!

2. disgrace,n. grace优雅,disgrace耻辱。

There was food all over the floor. It was a disgrace! 地板上到处都是食物。真丢人!

3. displeased,adj. pleased高兴的,displeased不高兴的。

Businessmen are displeased with erratic economic policy making. 商人们对经济政策的飘忽不定感到气愤。

4. dishonest,adj. honest诚实的,dishonest不诚实的。

It would be dishonest to mislead people and not to present the data as fairly as possible. 误导人们、不尽可能公正地提供数据是不诚实的。

5. disloyalty,n. loyalty忠诚,disloyalty不忠诚。

Charges had already been made against certain officials suspected of disloyalty. 已对某些被怀疑有不忠行为的官员提出指控。


1. The advert said that the phone was £5 a month but it didn't say anything about the £50 set-up fee. It was very… a) unhappy b) inexpensive c) misleading.

广告上说这款手机每月收费5英镑,但没有提到50英镑的设置费。这非常 a) 不开心 b) 不贵 c) 误导人。

2. This letter has come to the wrong house. There's been a… a) mistake b) disgrace c) disagreement.

这封信送错了地方。出了 a) 错 b) 丢脸 c) 不同意。

