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口罩妆小诀窍(口罩妆正流行来看看正确的打开方式)mascara [mæˈskærə]: n. 睫毛膏口罩使用的增加对化妆品销量造成了影响。市场研究咨询公司英敏特的全球美容分析师玛尔戈·凯伦近日告诉《每日电讯报》说:“在下半部分脸被遮盖时,眼线笔、睫毛膏、眼影和眉妆产品等类别的化妆品使用量将会增加。”In fact since reopening their doors to customers in mid-June retailer Primark has sold almost 800 000 sets of false lashes. Instagram has also seen over 14 000 posts using the hashtag #maskmakeup over the past month proving that eyes have become the focal point of our fa



A woman wears a protective face mask outside at a shopping plaza after New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy said he would sign an executive order requiring people to wear face coverings outdoors to prevent a resurgence of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Edgewater New Jersey US July 8 2020. REUTERS/Mike Segar

From July 24 face masks will become mandatory for those visiting shops and supermarkets in England. As face coverings become part of the new 'normal' sales of eye and brow make-up have soared throughout lockdown.


In fact since reopening their doors to customers in mid-June retailer Primark has sold almost 800 000 sets of false lashes. Instagram has also seen over 14 000 posts using the hashtag #maskmakeup over the past month proving that eyes have become the focal point of our faces.


The increased use of face masks has impacted make-up sales. “Categories such as eye liner mascara eyeshadow and brow products will see an increase in usage while the bottom half of the face remains hidden ” Margaux Caron global beauty analyst for Mintel told The Telegraphrecently.


mascara [mæˈskærə]: n. 睫毛膏

"By contrast lip products will suffer from this new habit with categories that smudge easily like liquid lipsticks and glosses particularly impacted.”



Pick a longer-lasting foundation


Wearing masks will likely change the types of foundations and concealers we use. "Foundations and face products that do not transfer on masks will gain popularity as consumers will still aim for even skin tone on exposed areas of their face ” says Caron. “This will challenge the enduring ‘glow’ trend and will likely be replaced by matte products that provide long-lasting coverage requiring limited to no upkeep throughout the day."


matte [mæt]: adj. 无光泽的;不光滑的;哑光的


Photo by Laura Chouette on Unsplash

Invest in more eye and brow products


Consumer habits have already started to change. In new research by The NPD Group it was found that since the start of lockdown mascara sales are up 55 percent against the previous year and eyebrow products up by a staggering 78 percent - likely to be a result of the closure of salons providing threading and waxing treatments.


As we wear masks on a more regular basis now it might be good to invest in a longer-lasting mascara and brow product. 由于人们现在经常戴口罩,购买效果更持久的睫毛膏和眉妆产品也许是个好主意。

Keep lips protected with a balm


“Lipsticks should be swapped for more long lasting balms " says make-up artist Lan Nguyen-Grealis. "If you can’t live without your favourite lipstick then blot away until there is no transfer. It’s like wearing your favorite lingerie but no one sees it.”




