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鄂字大清铜币全版本(大清铜币鄂字版)The bronze coin of the Qing Dynasty known as the mechanism copper coin of the Qing Dynasty was cast in 1900 (the 26th year of Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty) and circulated to 1911 (the 3rd year of Xuantong). Many Qing emperors issued copper coins as circulating currency and the use of copper coins has important practical and historical significance which makes the transaction more convenient. Qi

我国货币起源久远,历代货币多种多样,最具代表性的有数万种,在世界货币史上也是独一无二的。从货币的造型、质地、图案以及年号的字体中,都反映了不同历史时期文化艺术和科学技术的发展程度。货币是价值的符号和商品交换的媒介 再一个是历史文化的传承脉络 其材质、形态和文化内涵都是世的奇怪的大海的桑田变迁经验 并具有极高的价值 吸引着更多的西藏人士的收藏不惜花大钱。

China's currency has a long history with various currencies in the past dynasties the most representative of which is tens of thousands which is unique in the history of world currency. The shape texture design and the font of the year number of money all reflect the development degree of culture art science and technology in different historical periods. It is the symbol of monetary value and the medium of commodity exchange and the other is the inheritance of history and culture. Its material form and cultural connotation are the experience of mulberry field changes in the strange sea of the world and it has extremely high value attracting more Tibetans to spend a lot of money on their collections.



The Hubei version of the Qing copper coin made by Hubu is one of the long-term reputations of Qing coins and it is known as one of the top ten famous machine coins in modern China. The fame of copper coins in the Qing Dynasty is determined by its historicity and scarcity which has important historical significance and academic value and has always been the dream of great collectors.

藏品为大清铜币鄂字版。直径约2.7厘米,重约7.5克。正面中央铸“鄂州”字,周围围着“大清铜币”直读,两侧镌汉文干支纪年“丙午”字,左右镌楷体“户部”字,上缘为满文“大清铜币”字,下缘币值“当制钱十文”;背有蟠龙纹,上缘有“光绪年造”的文字,下缘有“tair -ching- tir -kuo COPPER COIN”(清帝国铜币),底部有“当制钱十文”的货币价值。藏品的背面铸有神龙腾图。反映了当时的历史背景。

The collection is the Hubei version of the Qing copper coin. It is about 2.7cm in diameter and weighs about 7.5g.. The word Ezhou is cast in the center and it is read directly around the "Daqing Copper Coin". On both sides the word Bingwu is engraved in Chinese and on the left and right the word Hubu is engraved in regular script. The upper edge is Manchu "Daqing Copper Coin" and on the lower edge the currency value is "ten coins for making money". It has a flat dragon pattern on the back the words "made in Guangxu" on the upper edge "tair -ching- tir -kuo COPPER COIN" on the lower edge and the monetary value of "ten coins when making money" on the bottom. On the back of the collection there is a picture of the dragon and the dragon. Reflects the historical background at that time.



The bronze coin of the Qing Dynasty known as the mechanism copper coin of the Qing Dynasty was cast in 1900 (the 26th year of Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty) and circulated to 1911 (the 3rd year of Xuantong). Many Qing emperors issued copper coins as circulating currency and the use of copper coins has important practical and historical significance which makes the transaction more convenient. Qing copper coins were minted by 19 provincial bureaus with various editions and formats especially those who made ten coins which had a strong historical imprint of this historical period. At that time the use of Hubei-printed Qing copper coins had important practical and historical significance. Now coin collectors are very well-known and occupy an important position.
