英语单词总是记不住(记不住单词怎么办)Luke's footsteps receded into the night. 卢克的脚步声渐渐消失在夜色中。3. recede,[rɪˈsiːd],vi. (re向后 ced移动)后退;减弱。名词recession [rɪˈseʃn]。发际线后移用这个词。I never understood why he didn't just accede to our demands at the outset. 我从不能理解为什么他不一开始就答应我们的请求。2. precede,[prɪˈsiːd],vt. (pre之前 ced移动)领先,在…之前;优于,高于。Lunch will be preceded by a short speech from the chairman. 午餐前,主席将发表简短的讲话。
拉丁语cedere意思为“放弃,服从”,在英语中演化为词根ced ceed cess,意思为“去,移动,服从”。
ced1. accede,[əkˈsiːd],vi. (ac向着 ced移动)加入;同意;就任。
I never understood why he didn't just accede to our demands at the outset. 我从不能理解为什么他不一开始就答应我们的请求。
2. precede,[prɪˈsiːd],vt. (pre之前 ced移动)领先,在…之前;优于,高于。
Lunch will be preceded by a short speech from the chairman. 午餐前,主席将发表简短的讲话。
3. recede,[rɪˈsiːd],vi. (re向后 ced移动)后退;减弱。名词recession [rɪˈseʃn]。发际线后移用这个词。
Luke's footsteps receded into the night. 卢克的脚步声渐渐消失在夜色中。
He was in his mid-forties with a receding hairline. 他四十多岁,发际线很高。
4. procedure,[prəˈsiːdʒə(r)] ,n. (pro向前 ced移动 ure名词后缀)程序,手续;步骤。
What's the procedure for applying for a visa? 申请签证的手续是什么?
ceed1. exceed,[ɪkˈsiːd],vt. (ex外 ceed移动)超过;胜过。
His performance exceeded our expectations. 他的表现超出了我们的预料。
2. succeed,[səkˈsiːd],vi. (suc=sub附近 ceed移动,靠近目标)成功;继承。
Scientists claim they have succeeded in finding a cure for cancer. 科学家们声称他们已经成功地找到了治疗癌症的方法。
3. proceed,[prəˈsiːd],vi. (pro向前 ceed移动)开始;继续进行。
The government was determined to proceed with the election. 政府决定继续进行选举。
cess1. access,[ˈækses],n. (ac向着 cess移动),接近,获得。
Cats should always have access to fresh clean water. 猫应该总是能够获得新鲜、干净的水。
2. success,[səkˈses],n. (suc=sub附近 cess移动,靠近目标)成功,成就。
I tried to contact him but without success. 我试着联系过他,但没有成功。
3. process, [prəˈses],n. (pro向前 cess移动)过程,进程,程序。
Getting fit again has been a long slow process. 恢复健康是一个漫长而缓慢的过程。