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经肺穿刺英语:英读廊为什么护士要找静脉来抽血This blood is no different from the blood in a vein but you damage lots of tissue to get it.【译】这种血液和静脉里的血没有什么不同,但是你会破坏很多组织来获取它。【单词】damage ['dam-ij]['dæmɪdʒ] n. 损害;损失;毁坏【单词】tissue ['tish-oo or especially British 'tis-yoo]['tɪʃuː] n. (生物的)组织The blood from a cut comes out when you cut many small blood vessels letting the blood in them escape.【译】当你割断许多小血管时,伤口的血液就会流出,让它们中的血液逸出。【

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Why does the nurse have to find a vein to draw blood?
【用法】have to do sth. 表示“必须”、“不得不”、“只好”、“(被迫)很勉强”去做某事,后面跟动词原形。例句:My brother was very ill so I had to call the doctor in the middle of the night. 我弟弟病得很厉害,我只得半夜里把医生请来。
【单词】nurse [nurs][nɜːs] n. 护士;保姆
【单词】vein [veyn][veɪn] n. 静脉;纹理;脉络
【单词】draw [draw][drɔː] v. 拉;提取;吸

【短语】draw blood 抽血

What's the difference between that and the blood that shows up if I had a cut on my arm?
【单词】arm [ahrm][ɑːm] n. 臂;胳膊

The blood from a cut comes out when you cut many small blood vessels letting the blood in them escape.
【单词】vessels 原型:vessel ['ves-uhl]['vesl] n. 脉管,血管
【单词】escape [ih-'skeyp][ɪ'skeɪp] v. 逃跑;泄漏

This blood is no different from the blood in a vein but you damage lots of tissue to get it.
【单词】damage ['dam-ij]['dæmɪdʒ] n. 损害;损失;毁坏
【单词】tissue ['tish-oo or especially British 'tis-yoo]['tɪʃuː] n. (生物的)组织

Also the small damaged vessels tend to clot quickly so large volumes are hard to get.
【用法】tend to表示“朝某方向;趋向;偏重”,后面接动词原形。如:We tend to make mistakes when we do things in a hurry.忙中不免出错。
【单词】clot [klot][klɒt] v. 凝结;阻塞

Nurses find a vein because they don't want to damage large areas of tissue to get blood and don't want the bleed to clot before they get the blood they need so they draw from a larger blood vessel (a vein).
【单词】bleed [bleed][bliːd] v. 流血;榨取;放掉(水或气体);给...抽血


The blood you see when you cut your arm is from the tiny blood vessels called capillaries that are in your skin.
【单词】tiny ['tahy-nee]['taɪni] adj. 极小的;微小的
【单词】capillaries ['kəpɪlərɪz] n. 毛细管 名词capillary的复数形式.
【单词】skin [skin][skɪn] n. 皮肤;外皮

They're so tiny there's not a way to efficiently collect the quantity of blood needed.
【单词】efficiently [ih-'fish-uhnt][ɪ'fɪʃntli] adv. 高效率地;有效地
【单词】collect [kuh-'lekt][kə'lekt] v. 收集;聚集
【单词】quantity ['kwon-ti-tee]['kwɒntəti] n. 量;数量;大量

Hitting a vein is the best way to do so.
【单词】Hitting 原型:hit [hit][hɪt] vi. 打(击);袭击;达到 vt. 要求;打(击);碰撞;偶然发现;符合

Well hitting an artery would be faster but that often results in death and the nurses find that quite inconvenient...
【短语】result in 表示“结果是;导致”。如:They result in poor capital allocation. 它们会导致资本配置不当。
【单词】artery ['ahr-tuh-ree]['ɑːtəri] n. 动脉;干线
【单词】inconvenient [in-kuhn-'veen-yuhnt][ˌɪnkən'viːniənt] adj. 不方便的

Arteries are much higher pressure so any minor hole gets blown wider think of a water main.
【单词】artery ['ahr-tuh-ree]['ɑːtəri] n. 动脉;干线
【单词】minor ['mahy-ner]['maɪnə] adj. 轻微的;较小的;次要的
【单词】hole [hohl][həʊl] n. 洞;孔;穴;漏洞
【单词】blown 原型:blow [bloh][bləʊ] v. 吹;风吹

This means that a clot can't form.


A vein is much lower pressure so it can clot without assistance.
【单词】assistance [uh-'sis-tuh ns][ə'sɪstəns] n. 援助;帮助
