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世界那么大我想出去闯一闯:世界那么大你必须去闯闯到那里后,也许你并没有实现当初的梦想。但人生只是一场回忆,而不是只关乎成功与失败!You can be waiters waitresses or salesman or do something else. And then you can survive really.你可以当服务员、销售员或者做其它工作,然后你就能生存了。真的!You know maybe you will not make your expectation come true no. But life is about the memory not about the successful or the failure.

Hi my friends. If you can just go anywhere to work to live. Where do you wanna go? New York London Tokyo Shanghai or Singapore?



Just go anywhere you want ok. Just go there to live and to work ok. Maybe you don’t know how to survive.If you are cheeky enough then you can survive anywhere really.


You can be waiters waitresses or salesman or do something else. And then you can survive really.


You know maybe you will not make your expectation come true no. But life is about the memory not about the successful or the failure.

