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Alzheimer's Disease:Faint HopesAmerica’s wary approval of an Alzheimer’s drug offers hope to millionsBut its makers still have work to do to prove it can slow the ADvance of dementia阿尔茨海默病(AD)是一种起病隐匿的进行性发展的神经系统退行性疾病。临床上以记忆障碍/失语/失用/失认/视空间技能损害、执行功能障碍以及人格和行为改变等全面性痴呆表现为特征,病因迄今未明。65岁以前发病者称早老性痴呆;65岁以后发病者称老年性痴呆。
直接阅读纯英文原文请点击下面链接跳转: Alzheimer's Disease:Faint Hopes

P1①②③ 104words

1)NEWS THAT America’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted conditional approval to a new drug aducanumab to be marketed as Aduhelm for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease has understandably been greeted as a huge breakthrough. 2)For millions of people with Alzheimer’s a remorselessly degenerative illness leading eventually to utter helplessness—and for those caring for them—it is a ray of hope. 3)But the benefits it will offer remain uncertain and the FDA’s decision is controversial.


▷grant conditional approval:give an approval on condition that...


▷to be marketed as:to enter the market as


▷has understandably greeted as

understandably这里的出现已经表明了作者的态度,可以理解,但不甚苟同 这是一种condecencension(纡尊)的用词

▷Remorselessly degenerative illness

Remorseless-without regret or guilt; merciless relentless

Degenerative-deterioration of a tissue or an organ in which its function is diminished or its structure is impaired

▷lead eventually to utter helplessness让人心酸的用词


▷remain uncertain-unclear,unconfirmed

▷controversial-contentious,public disagreement

▷a ray of hope-a flicker of light华先生的微光

P1:news about a drug has been greeted

开头是高频的社论文章开篇方式,news that...has been greeted as...

第二句也有一个惯用句型,for people that,....,and for those...,it is a ray of hope.一句话竟清楚了同一件事中不同关联方的状况.

Sum: p1 is about a news an illness two groups one organization



P2①②③④ 134words

1)It was 115 years ago that Alois Alzheimer a German psychiatrist conducted the autopsy that helped him identify the disease now known as Alzheimer’s. It is much the most common of the dozens of causes of dementia. 2) It accounts for 60-80% of cases of a debilitating condition that affects an estimated 50m people around the world and—as the risk of dementia increases with age and the world is getting older—is spreading fast. 3)The costs in human misery are incalculable. 4)In terms of expenditure in caring for people with the condition they are estimated at over $1trn now and forecast to reach $2trn by 2030.


▷conducted the autopsy

Autopsy-post mortem examination check bodies after people death

▷It is much {the most common of the dozens of causes of dementia.}


▷dementia-mental illness marked by memory disorder persona changes and impaired reasoning

▷A debilitating condition

Debilitate:weaken (of illness) making people very weak and inform

▷The costs in human misery are incalculable.


P1:news about a drug has been greeted

P2: the history the damage and the cost of the illness



1)So even if few have hoped for an imminent cure there is huge pent-up demand for a treatment that at least slows the advance of Alzheimer’s. 2)The FDA claims in its press release on the approval sought by Biogen a biotechnology firm based in Cambridge Massachusetts: “Aduhelm is the first treatment directed at the underlying pathophysiology of Alzheimer’s disease.” 3)In November 2019 China granted conditional approval to Oligomannate (gv-971) a drug produced by Green Valley a company from Shanghai. 4)But Western scientists grumbled the data from the Chinese study were scanty and its conclusions hard to credit.


▷imminent cure

Imminent-impending/about to happen

▷A huge pent-up demand For

Pent-up:closely confined or held back/unable to be express or released


▷So even if few have hoped for an imminent cure {there is huge pent-up demand for a treatment (that at least slows the advance of Alzheimer’s. )}

▷the underlying pathophysiology of Alzheimer’s disease

pathophysiology-the disordered physiology process associated with disease or injury病理


▷study were scanty and its conclusions hard to credit.

Scanty-scarce few

P1:news about a drug has been greeted

P2: the history the damage and the cost of the illness

P3: the market and the expectation



1)So the jubilation in some quarters at Biogen’s coup is understandable. 2)But it is not universal in part because of the tortuous history of the drug’s progress to approval. 3)It is of a type known as a monoclonal antibody—a specialised protein molecule forming part of the immune system—tailored to bind to a protein called beta-amyloid which forms plaques in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s disease and which many researchers have long believed is not just a symptom of Alzheimer’s but at least part of the cause (an idea known as “the amyloid hypothesis”).


▷the jubilation in some quarters at Biogen’s coup

-jubilation-a feeling of great happiness exultation


-coup:seize of power success

▷Plaques (orange) among brain cells


▷tortuous history of

-tortuous:contour twisted convoluted

▷monoclonal antibody单克隆抗体

當身體有外來的物質(稱為抗原,antigen)侵入時,體內會採取許多防禦措施來破壞或阻擋這些物質,而B細胞所分泌的抗體(antibody)便是其中一種方式。每種抗原分子上通常有許多可誘導出抗體的部分,稱為抗原決定基 (antigenic determinant),而每個B細胞只能針對一種抗原決定基,產生一種抗體,因此在傳統的血清中,含有許多種不同的抗體,分別對抗不同的抗原決定基。若能挑出各個B細胞,單獨培養成細胞株,則能獲得單一種類的抗體,只會對某一特定抗原決定基反應,則此抗體稱為單株抗體(monoclonal antibody)。

▷forms plaques in brain

神经炎性斑(neurtic plaques NP)在 AD患者的大脑皮质、海马、某些皮质下神经核如杏仁核前脑基底神经核和丘脑存在大量的NP。NP以Aβ沉积为核心 核心周边是更多的Aβ和各种细胞成分。自20世纪70年代以来 相继有研究者制定了诊断AD所需大脑皮质NP数量的神经病理诊断标准 目前广泛使用的是美国学者Mirra等1991年提出的半定量诊断标准 用图像匹配的方法估计三个脑叶新皮质严重受累区NP的数量。

▷#the amyloid hypothesis#

It is of a type known as a monoclonal antibody—a specialised protein molecule forming part of the immune system—tailored to bind to a protein called beta-amyloid which forms plaques in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s disease,and which many researchers have long believed is not just a symptom of Alzheimer’s but at least part of the cause (an idea known as “the amyloid hypothesis”).

阿尔兹海默症(Alzheimer's Disease AD)是最常见的一种以患者的记忆力减退,认知能力障碍,情绪调节异常等为特征的神经退行性疾病。伴随人口寿命的增长,这类严重威胁中老年生命质量的疾病发病率也与日俱增,然而截至目前,对其发病机制的各种解释呈百家争鸣的局势。其中最为普遍被人们接受的是淀粉样蛋白假说(The amyloid hypothesis),淀粉样前体蛋白(amyloid precursor protein APP)作为这一假说的核心,其被β-与γ-分泌酶切割生成的β-淀粉样蛋白(amyloid-β,Aβ)长期以来被认为是导致AD相关病理损伤的始作俑者。因此,从根本上解决Aβ的产生机制问题对于开发针对于AD有效的治疗手段显得尤为重要。

P1:news about a drug has been greeted

P2: the history the damage and the cost of the illness

P3: the market and the expectation

p4: the amyloid hyperthesis



1)Aducanumab does indeed seem to reduce the amount of beta-amyloid in the brain. 2)That is why the FDA has approved it. The theory is that this should in turn slow the progress of cognitive degeneration. 3)On that point the evidence is less clear-cut. The FDA approval allows the drug to be used but requires Biogen to carry out a large-scale clinical trial to prove that it does indeed work and warns that if not it could be “pulled from the market”.


▷cognitive degeneration

-cognition deterioration turning bad

P1:news about a drug has been greeted

P2: the history the damage and the cost of the illness

P3: the market and the expectation

p4: the amyloid hyperthesis

P5: approval for partly function but warns given if not proved more



1)Previous efforts to demonstrate its efficacy appeared to have foundered in March 2019 when Biogen and Eisai of Japan announced that they were ending two clinical trials among people with signs of mild cognitive impairment or early-onset Alzheimer’s. Aducanumab had failed a “futility test”—ie the evidence suggested it had no effect. 2)But then in October that year Biogen said a fresh look at the data showed that “patients…experienced significant benefits on measures of cognition and function such as memory orientation and language.” 3)One of the two trials it said showed that higher doses of the drug did have a small but noticeable effect in slowing cognitive decline in people with Alzheimer’s. 4)Biogen said it would seek FDA approval after all.


▷demonstrate its efficacy


P1:news about a drug has been greeted

P2: the history the damage and the cost of the illness

P3: the market and the expectation

p4: the amyloid hyperthesis

P5: approval for partly function but warns given if not proved more

P6: the tortuous process before approval

此前证明其疗效的努力,似乎在2019年3月宣告失败,当时日本的Biogen和Eisai宣布,他们将结束,对有轻度认知障碍,或早发性阿尔茨海默症症状的人,进行的两项临床试验。. Aducanumab没有通过“无效测试”,也就是说,证据表明它没有效果。但是,在那一年的10月,Biogen说,对数据的重新审视表明,“患者……在认知和功能的测量上,如记忆、取向和语言,体验到了显著的好处。”,研究表明,高剂量的药物确实对减缓老年痴呆症患者的认知能力下降有一个小而显著的效果。Biogen表示,它最终将寻求FDA的批准。


1)A drug prescribed to even a substantial minority of people with dementia would be among the biggest-sellers of all time. 2)The price of Biogen’s shares which had fallen by almost 30% on the day of its announcement that trials had failed bounced back almost as much when it changed its mind and surged again a year later when the FDA made positive comments as well as after its announcement today. 3)Administered intravenously monthly at a clinic aducanumab is likely at first to cost thousands of dollars a year and patients will require constant monitoring as many develop brain oedemas.


▷Substantial minority

The smaller number

▷Administered intravenously

into veins静脉注射

▷brain oedemas.脑水肿

P1:news about a drug has been greeted

P2: the history the damage and the cost of the illness

P3: the market and the expectation

p4: the amyloid hyperthesis

P5: approval for partly function but warns given if not proved more

P6: the tortuous process before approval

p7: the way and cost to access the drug



1)Many specialists remain deeply sceptical about aducanumab in particular and the amyloid hypothesis more broadly. 2)Last November ten out of the 11 members of an expert advisory panel appointed by the FDA voted against approving the drug on the basis of the research presented (the 11th was undecided). 3)More recently a new statistical study of various drug trials in Alzheimer’s & Dementia the journal of the Alzheimer’s Association a charity shows what one of its authors Edo Richard a Dutch neurologist calls “overwhelming evidence of absence of an effect of anti-amyloid therapy in general”. 4)Dr Richard finds it “amazing” that the FDA has overruled its own advisory panel to reach the “scientifically questionable” ruling on the drug.


▷“overwhelming evidence of absence of an effect of anti-amyloid therapy in general”

Overwhelming-very strong and very large

▷scientifically questionable


P1:news about a drug has been greeted

P2: the history the damage and the cost of the illness

P3: the market and the expectation

p4: the amyloid hyperthesis

P5: approval for partly function but warns given if not proved more

P6: the tortuous process before approval

p7: the way and cost to access the drug

p8: sceptical voices


1)His paper argues that the time has come to divert therapeutic efforts away from drugs that try to clear beta-amyloid to other lines of investigation. 2)And for all the scepticism about this drug some scientists in the field are optimistic that great progress is being made in combating dementia. 3)Jonathan Schott a professor of neurology at the Dementia Research Centre University College London and chief medical officer of Alzheimer’s Research says that 30-40% of the causes of dementia are modifiable. 4)Already there is evidence that the age-specific incidence of dementia is going down in the West as people live healthier lives: obesity smoking high blood pressure and excessive drinking in middle age are all associated with a higher incidence of dementia. 5)A study published last year in Neurologyfollowed nearly 50 000 people in America and Europe from 1988 to 2015. It found that 8.6% developed dementia. But the risk of being among them had remarkably fallen by an average of about 13% a decade from about a one-in-four chance for a 75-year-old in 1995 to less than one in five.



His paper argues that {the time has come to divert therapeutic efforts away from drugs (that try to clear beta-amyloid) to other lines of investigation.}

▷Divert away: reroute change the way

P1:news about a drug has been greeted

P2: the history the damage and the cost of the illness

P3: the market and the expectation

p4: the amyloid hyperthesis

P5: approval for partly function but warns given if not proved more

P6: the tortuous process before approval

p7: the way and cost to access the drug

p8: sceptical voices

P9: optimistic voices


1)Meanwhile great advances have been made in diagnosing dementia. 2)Whereas once this required cognitive tests followed by an expensive brain scan or intrusive lumbar puncture now a simple blood test can predict decades in advance how likely it is that someone will develop Alzheimer’s later in life. 3)Identifying those at risk early means that existing therapies including aducanumab largely ineffective once symptoms are far advanced might be deployed early enough to make a difference.


▷Lumbar puncture脊椎穿刺

Lumbar puncture (LP) is a medical procedure in which a needle is inserted into the spinal canal most commonly to collect cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) for diagnostic testing. It may also be be done to inject medications into the cerebrospinal fluid particularly for spinal anesthesia or chemotherapy.

P1:news about a drug has been greeted

P2: the history the damage and the cost of the illness

P3: the market and the expectation

p4: the amyloid hyperthesis

P5: approval for partly function but warns given if not proved more

P6: the tortuous process before approval

p7: the way and cost to access the drug

p8: sceptical voices

P9: optimistic voices

p10: advances and benefits


1)And other treatments should slowly become available. 2)James Rowe a professor of cognitive neurology at Cambridge believes research into dementia is at a “tipping-point”. 3)He expects the first successes with rare genetic conditions such as Huntington's disease and frontotemporal dementia. 4)Alzheimer’s which may turn out to be an umbrella term for a variety of different contributory pathologies susceptible to different medicines would follow later. 5)Those living with Alzheimer’s have had few reasons for optimism. 6)And Professor Schott argues that the main benefit of the FDA ruling may be that Alzheimer’s will no longer be seen as a “lost cause”. 7)Big pharma and publicly funded researchers will take encouragement. 8)Aducanumab offers a small step forward; bigger ones will come.


▷tipping-point: the critical point in a situation process or system beyond which a significant and often unstoppable effect or change takes place有一本书叫《tipping point》讲引爆市场传播

▷Huntington's disease


在现实生活中,有些人会出现挤眉弄眼,口唇挪动,手舞足蹈等症状,就好像在跳着“优美”的舞蹈。实则不然,此“舞蹈”非彼舞蹈,这极有可能是一种致命的“舞蹈”——亨廷顿舞蹈病(Huntington’s disease,简称HD)。亨廷顿舞蹈症是一种神经退行性疾病,由Huntington于1872年首先报道,故而得名

▷frontotemporal dementia

额颞痴呆(frontotemporal dementia)是指中老年患者缓慢出现人格改变言语障碍及行为显示额颞叶萎缩,而病理检查未发现Pick小体及Pick细胞的 [痴呆综合征](包括Pick病及临床表现类似的Pick综合征,后者又包括额叶痴呆和 [原发性进行性失语],临床以明显的人格、行为改变和认知障碍为特征。

▷turn out to be an umbrella term for a variety of different contributory pathologies susceptible to different medicines

-umbrella term:An umbrella term ora hypernym is a word or phrase used to generally rather than specifically describe a group of varying but identifiably related subjects.

▷susceptible:likely to be affected or influenced

▷Lost cause:a cause with no chance of success

P1:news about a drug has been greeted

P2: the history the damage and the cost of the illness

P3: the market and the expectation

p4: the amyloid hyperthesis

P5: approval for partly function but warns given if not proved more

P6: the tortuous process before approval

p7: the way and cost to access the drug

p8: sceptical voices

P9: optimistic voices

p10: advances and benefits

P11: the significant approval-small step but meaningful









Aduhelm的临床研究主要由渤健主持。一期临床(NCT01397539, NCT02782975, NCT01677572, NCT02434718, NCT04924140)主要测试了单剂量和多剂量的安全和耐受的剂量范围以及生物利用度。运用PET扫描,研究人员发现Aduhelm组与对照组相比,能有效地减少Aβ斑块。


Aduhelm组Aβ斑块减少:起点和第54周PET示例(NCT01677572 )



三期临床(NCT02477800, NCT02484547, NCT04241068)研究了每月给药的情况下,Aduhelm在延缓认知能力继续下降和功能性损伤的效力以及长期的安全性和耐受性。但是,NCT02477800和NCT02484547因为无效性验证而提前终止了;NCT04241068预计将在2023年10月结束。








另外,一年56000美元的价格,对于普通人是一笔巨大的花销。与其面对“有药吃不起”的地步,不如采取“早筛查、早发现、早干预”的行动。通过改善生活习惯,降低认知风险因素、延缓发病时间、降低恶化速度。为此,我们研发出了一个认知筛查小游戏——认知评估游戏,来快速线上筛查,和一个认知症非药物综合干预小程序——脑倍佳 ,帮助中国家庭减少认知症的困扰。研究表明,通过控制认知症相关的风险因素,我们甚至可以降低或延缓40%的认知症发生率。通过结合非药物的主动干预,将帮助您更大程度避免认知症,保护您的脑健康!


Take away Today


Alzheimer's Disease related vocabularies


Sentence Context

P9⑥Given Americans’ apparent reluctance to get back to work { be it because of continued fears of infection with covid-19 generous unemployment insurance or both } wages may need to rise further.

03Reading tips

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