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权力的游戏全文阅读(权力的游戏第二十五章07)“我倒听说毒药是女人的武器。”Lineage 家系“One thing ” Ned told him. “I should be curious to examine the book that you lent Jon the day before he fell ill.”“I fear you would find it of little interest ” Pycelle said. “It was a ponderous tome by Grand Maester Malleon on the lineages of the great houses.”Craven 懦夫

“I have heard it said that poison is a woman’s weapon.”

Pycelle stroked his beard thoughtfully. “It is said. Women cravens … and eunuchs.” He cleared his throat and spat a thick glob of phlegm onto the rushes. Above them a raven cawed loudly in the rookery. “The Lord Varys was born a slave in Lys did you know? Put not your trust in spiders my lord.”

That was scarcely anything Ned needed to be told; there was something about Varys that made his flesh crawl. “I will remember that Maester. And I thank you for your help. I have taken enough of your time.” He stood.

Grand Maester Pycelle pushed himself up from his chair slowly and escorted Ned to the door. “I hope I have helped in some small way to put your mind at ease. If there is any other service I might perform you need only ask.”

“One thing ” Ned told him. “I should be curious to examine the book that you lent Jon the day before he fell ill.”

“I fear you would find it of little interest ” Pycelle said. “It was a ponderous tome by Grand Maester Malleon on the lineages of the great houses.”

Craven 懦夫

Lineage 家系







