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有创意性的英语课堂游戏(国外教师常用的五个极具趣味的课堂小游戏)Equipment:board,markersFeed them to the sharks 喂鲨鱼Duration:5—8 minutesPre-teach animals.Play charades.Make a house with desks and chairs towels anything.Get students to hide inside.Hide behind something and knock “Can I come in?”Then they say “Who is it?”Think of an animal and act it out.“I‘m a ___.”If it's scary like “I’m a lion” they run to hide and say“No you can't come in.”If it's a bird




Knock Knock 兔子开门

Equipment:classroom objects

Group:4 participants

Duration:5—8 minutes

Pre-teach animals.Play charades.Make a house with desks and chairs towels anything.Get students to hide inside.Hide behind something and knock “Can I come in?”Then they say “Who is it?”Think of an animal and act it out.“I‘m a ___.”If it's scary like “I’m a lion” they run to hide and say“No you can't come in.”If it's a bird they love to watch you fly around the house peck them gently on the head anything.Do this a few times then away you go.“It's Cindy's turn!” and let students be the animal.Students think of animals and they learn new words with the “I’am a ___”structure.



Feed them to the sharks 喂鲨鱼


Duration:10-12 minutes

Write a short dialog on the board.It may be just a four lline dialogue.Let the students read the dialogue a few times. Be sure they understand the context.This will give all the students a chance to practice and hear it again. Then draw a shark's head showing it swimming up to get the girl at the top.

Then erase the dialog.Choose a couple of victims and get them to do the dialog.Errors are rewarded by the victims' names being written on the board ande then an arrow are drawn showing that they are going into the shark's mouth. Have also done a variation with a crocodile and octopus. Try to play with a boy and a girl for the dialog as it gets very competitive if you keep a score of boys vs. girls.




Duck Duck Goose 鸭鸭鹅


Group:10 participants

Duration:8—10 minutes

In this game kids sit down in a circle facing each other.One person is “it” and walks around the circle.As he/she walks around he/she taps people's head and says whether they are a “duck” or a “goose”.Once someone is the “goose” they get up and try to chase “it” around the circle.The goal is to tap “it” before he/she is able sit down in the “goose's” spot. If the goose is not able to do this he/she becomes “it” for the next round and play continues. If they do tap “it” the person tagged has to sit in the center of the circle.Then the goose becomes “it” for the next round.The person in the middle can't leave until another person is tagged and he/she is replaced.

Variation:Instead of duck and goose you can use “boy” and “monkey” or animals who have four legs and who don't. It is more fun when different vocabulary is used.



Fishing with Magnets 小猫钓鱼

Equipment:plastic fishing rod with a magnet on the end paper lips attached to flashcards.

Group:10 participants

Duration:3—6 minutes

Students sit in a circle and each fish up a flashcard.When he/she does we all shout out “Nice catch!” Then the student says what the flashcard is.The students are always paying attention to this point even the really

active ones. To get them to pay even more attentiong you may get them to draw their own vocabulary flashcards.




Kangaroo Code 袋鼠跳

Equipment:balloons pieces of paper with words written on them

Group:10 participants

Duration:10—12 minutes

To encourage movement in the class have students organized into teams. Each team is given a balloon to the place bewteen their knees and they are not allowed to use their hands to touch the balloon at anytime. One person from each team must jump like a kangaroo forward to a chair in the front of the room there they must pick with their hands a word they then turn around jumping back to the next person in their team. This continues until all the code words have been collected and all of team members have jumped to the chair. The words must then be placed in a correct order and the captain must then read it out to the teacher. Rewards are given to the winning team. Fun loud and competitive way to engage students in a physical manner with language.

Kangaroo Code 是一个计算机词汇,意为“杂乱码”。这个游戏有两个难点:其一是夹着气球像袋鼠一样跳(每人取一个单词),其二是将取回的单词按照一定顺序排列。排列的结果可以是一个语法正确的句子,也可以是按照一定逻辑排列的单词群(如 son brother father grandfather)。该游戏的最大好处,是可以使学生“动起来”,活跃课堂气氛。

