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睡前小故事恐龙大战变形金刚(勇士和大婴儿的故事-滑稽显示无畏的女人冲过令人眩晕的)中国一座令人眩晕的悬空天桥令冒险爱好者趋之若鹜。A bridge crossing in China gives adrenaline-junkies a run for their money with the serious vertigo-inducing challenge.勇敢者和大号婴儿的故事——滑稽的视频展示了无畏的女人冲过令人眩晕的桥,而一名尖叫颤抖的男人只能爬过去。http://video.dailymail.co.uk/video/mol/2017/08/17/8904480426571481847/640x360_MP4_8904480426571481847.mp4(视频地址,我没研究出来怎么直接贴视频,求大神指教)


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:黎明晖烬 转载请注明出处


The bold - and the big baby! Hilarious video shows fearless woman charging across vertigo-inducing bridge before being followed by screaming shaking man who has to CRAWL over it




A bridge crossing in China gives adrenaline-junkies a run for their money with the serious vertigo-inducing challenge.


The red painted steel bridge has no railing glass or safety net to protect from falling in between the rungs. Aside from a zip line the only thing that lies between crossers and the bridge is frightening altitude.


In a video two bold adventurers decided to cross and have hilariously different reactions to nearly walking on air.





A young woman faced the challenge first. Fastly attached to a zipline she crossed the ladder bridge that connected two mountain ledges with confidence.


The young girl stepped boldly onto the bridge and crossed like she would any other bridge. She showed no sign of fear and her knees never gave in to the fright of the height. She stood up the entire way her eyes glued to the ladder to track each next step.


But her confident stride didn't last so long. Vertigo eventually hit the girl who paused for a moment near the end of the track. She swayed slightly and stared into the massive depth of the canyons below her.


A breath later she collected herself and made it safely across all within a matter of seconds.


Another bridge crosser however did not have such luck in keeping his head held high or up at all for that matter.






The young man who followed the girl hilariously succumbed to fear and a case of the shakes right after his first step and it was all caught on camera. After just one step the man began to yelp and shake uncontrollably in fear. He continued on screaming 'This is too tall! F***! I'm so scared!' with every single step.


By the third rung he abandoned efforts to walk upright and sunk to his knees and decided to crawl across.


Commentors on the video dubbed it a 'Gollum' walk as the man crawled across rung by rung.


At one point he gained an ounce of confidence and began to rise but realized he acted too soon and went right back down. The man hilariously never stopped screaming and swearing and at the end sped up his crawl to Spiderman speed to get the challenge over with.



原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:黎明晖烬 转载请注明出处


the bridge tweed city Australia 4 days ago

You are really brave when you are scared but still do it .


jayjay Sheffield United Kingdom 3 days ago

Well I'm proud to say I'd have cried like a baby and maybe wet myself


CharlottesWeb Up North United Kingdom 4 days ago

Makes my stomach flip over inside just watching it.


K lolz Sydney Australia 4 days ago

He has a massive fear of heights she doesn't how does that make him a big baby? If this happened the other way round the femina_zis would be screaming out


Ian the original Newbury 3 days ago

My wife and daughter are completely unfazed by heights but show them a spider...


Elena O Stockholm Sweden 3 days ago

The guy is uncomfortable with heights yet fights to overcome his fears. What's so hilarious about it? The only big baby here is the one who wrote this cr[url=home.php?mod=space&uid=299502]@P header.


Lornelover Wonderland Australia 4 days ago

I'm sorry to say that I would be that guy in fact they would have to drag me across blindfolded.


djs.specs Brisbane Australia 4 days ago

They'd have to pry my fingers off the railings to even get me on there.


Clive Histon Meh Andorra 3 days ago

The man was scared because he knew that the bridge and safety harness were made in China.


tommy421681 sydney Australia 4 days ago

bet this article is prepared by a feminist


HorseOfTheRisingSun none France 3 days ago

No it's prepared by a half wit who thinks it's OK to point out someone's fears or disability and mock them publicly - I'd love to see how this creature would fare on this bridge. It's all well and good being brave behind a keyboard shovelling potnoodles down your gullet and copy and pasting articles from other sites BUT actually getting off your backside?


Peperuda. Expat Somewhere Anywhere 3 days ago

Well I'm NOT laughing. My husband has vertigo so I know how it can effect some people. That man was brave to even try it never mind finish it. Kudos to him. Shame on the reporter for making fun of him. Now a dare. Marlene Lenthang I dare you to do it.

我一点不觉得好笑,我丈夫有恐高症,所以我知道那对人影响有多大,这个男人去尝试已经很勇敢了,还完成了它,真是厉害了。取笑他的作者真丢人,现在,勇敢的Marlene Lenthang (本报道作者),你敢试试么?

Steve Christchurch 3 days ago

What a sexist headline bet you wouldn't dare print it if it was the other way around! We are all individual when it comes to dealing with fear I believe


Hazel Knutt-Cluster Cambridge United Kingdom 4 days ago

I'm terrified of heights I get nervy standing on a thick carpet so nothing on this earth would get me to do what he did. Far from being a big baby I think he was really brave to face his fear and do it anyway. People are frightened of different things - doesn't mean they're babies


Science Beverly Hills United States 4 days ago

The thing is it is not a mental response--the brain recognizes the fear after the heart palpitations and shaking have set in. I have spoken to a few behavioral psychologists and they say they have had next to no luck helping people over a fear of heights. Anyway sexist headline writer.


mort dog Auckland New Zealand 4 days ago

I would be him crawling on my belly and probably end up falling off the edge.


Hazel. HellA United States 3 days ago

Bwahahaha all the angry comments from men- absolutely hysterical...

