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英式英语学习中英文字幕(精选英语英国演员兼发音教练告诉你)那么我们来看看这句话:“Are there more birds?”Are there more birds? 虽然其中每个单词里都有一个“r”——字母r,你并不能听到“r”的发音。Are there more birds? 现在把它变成“Are there any birds?”突然间,你可以听到“there”这个单词末尾的“r”了。Are there any birds? 这是因为我们加入了一个“any”,它的开头有个元音。Are there any birds.So let's look at this sentence: "Are there more birds?" Are there more birds? Despite there being an "r"---letter r--- in all of those words you don't hear the "r"



Hello I'm Gareth Jameson! I'm an actor and a voice coach from . Here are some tips for working on your voice.

大家好,我是Gareth Jameson!我是的演员和发音指导。这里有一些关于练习发音的小建议。

Now you might want to do a British accent because you're in a play or maybe you want to impress your friends or maybe you want to fit in better in the UK. Whatever the reason playing with accents is a great way to work out your voice and speech.


Now the key to any accent is to isolate the sounds that are specific to that accent. So we're going to start with the British "r" sound. Now when I'm saying "British" I actually mean the sounds used in the very south of England the received pronunciation accent you might hear on the BBC.


So let's look at this sentence: "Are there more birds?" Are there more birds? Despite there being an "r"---letter r--- in all of those words you don't hear the "r" sound. Are there more birds? Now change it to "Are there any birds?" Suddenly you hear the "r" at the word at the end of the word "there." Are there any birds? That's because we've put an "any" which has a vowel sound at the beginning. Are there any birds.

那么我们来看看这句话:“Are there more birds?”Are there more birds? 虽然其中每个单词里都有一个“r”——字母r,你并不能听到“r”的发音。Are there more birds? 现在把它变成“Are there any birds?”突然间,你可以听到“there”这个单词末尾的“r”了。Are there any birds? 这是因为我们加入了一个“any”,它的开头有个元音。Are there any birds.

Now listen to these: daughter brother shopper. Don't make the mistake of having a big huge vowel sound at the end of those words: daughter brother shopper. A lot of people trying a British accent do that. You need a tiny sound. Daughter brother shopper".现在听听这些:daughter brother shopper.不要犯在这些单词末尾发出一个很大很响的元音的错误:daughter brother shopper. 很多尝试说英国口音的人都会犯这个错误。你需要一个短小的发音:daughter brother shopper.

Now another feature of this British accent is that we have different vowels for "hot" and "dog" than we do in "talk" and "law." That's "hot dog" and "talk law." Try this sentence out: "Do you talk froth or are hot dogs against the law?"

这种英国口音的另一个特征是,我们说“hot”和“dog”时比说“talk”和“law”时元音发音的区别更大。像这样,“hot dog”和“talk law”。试试说这句话:“Do you talk froth or are hot dogs against the law?”

My final tip for this British accent is for you to make sure you keep your vowel sounds very small when they're short vowels. So that's "pit" "put" "pet" "pat" and "putt". Notice also there's very precise "p"s and "t"s. We don't want "pit" "pot"--- really tight we want them "pit" "put" "pet" "putt" "pot".

我对这种英国口音的最后一个建议是用以让你确认你能保持短元音的发音很短小。就像"pit" "put" "pet" "pat" 还有"putt"。也要注意其中有很精确地“p”和“t”。我们不要发出"pit" "pot"——你需要把它们发的很紧凑:"pit" "put" "pet" "putt" "pot".

That's only a few features form the British accent---of course there are many more and what I'm saying doesn't apply to every speaker of a British accent.



