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自由女神像statue of liberty(自由女神像历史The)

自由女神像statue of liberty(自由女神像历史The)Origins of the Statue of Liberty多年来,随着数以百万计的移民经由附近的埃利斯岛(Ellis Island)来到美国,这座雕像高高耸立;1986年,为了纪念它的落成100周年,它进行了一次大规模的翻修。 The Statue of Liberty was then given to the United States and erected atop an American-designed pedestal on a small island in Upper New York Bay now known as Liberty Island and dedicated by President Grover Cleveland in 1886. 1886年,美国总统格罗弗·克利夫兰(Grover Cleveland)将自由女神像赠送给美国,并将其竖立在纽

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The Statue of Liberty was a joint effort between France and the United States intended to commemorate the lasting friendship between the peoples of the two nations.


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The French sculptor Frederic-Auguste Bartholdi created the statue itself out of sheets of hammered copper while Alexandre-Gustave Eiffel the man behind the famed Eiffel Tower designed the statue’s steel framework.

国雕刻家弗雷德里希-奥古斯特·巴托尔迪(Frederic-Auguste Bartholdi)用锤制的铜片亲自打造了这座雕像,而著名的埃菲尔铁塔背后的亚历山大·古斯塔夫·埃菲尔(alexandr - gustave Eiffel)设计了雕像的钢框架。

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The Statue of Liberty was then given to the United States and erected atop an American-designed pedestal on a small island in Upper New York Bay now known as Liberty Island and dedicated by President Grover Cleveland in 1886.

1886年,美国总统格罗弗·克利夫兰(Grover Cleveland)将自由女神像赠送给美国,并将其竖立在纽约湾(Upper New York Bay)上一个小岛上由美国人设计的基座上,这个小岛现在被称为自由岛(Liberty island)。

Over the years the statue stood tall as millions of immigrants arrived in America via nearby Ellis Island; in 1986 it underwent an extensive renovation in honor of the centennial of its dedication.

多年来,随着数以百万计的移民经由附近的埃利斯岛(Ellis Island)来到美国,这座雕像高高耸立;1986年,为了纪念它的落成100周年,它进行了一次大规模的翻修。

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Origins of the Statue of Liberty

Around 1865 as the American Civil War drew to a close the French historian Edouard de Laboulaye proposed that France create a statue to give to the United States in celebration of that nation’s success in building a viable democracy.

1865年前后,美国内战接近尾声时,法国历史学家爱德华·德·拉波拉耶(Edouard de Laboulaye)提议,法国应该为美国建造一座雕像,以庆祝美国成功建立了一个可行的民主国家。

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The sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi known for largescale sculptures earned the commission; the goal was to design the sculpture in time for the centennial of the Declaration of Independence in 1876.


The project would be a joint effort between the two countries–the French people were responsible for the statue and its assembly while the Americans would build the pedestal on which it would stand–and a symbol of the friendship between their peoples.


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Due to the need to raise funds for the statue work on the sculpture did not begin until 1875. Bartholdi’s massive creation titled “Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World ” depicted a woman holding a torch in her raised right hand and a tablet in her left upon which was engraved “July 4 1776 ” the adoption date of the Declaration of Independence.


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Bartholdi who was said to have modeled the woman’s face after that of his mother hammered large copper sheets to create the statue’s “skin” (using a technique called repousse). To create the skeleton on which the skin would be assembled he called on Alexandre-Gustave Eiffel designer of Paris’ Eiffel Tower.


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Statue of Liberty: Assembly and Dedication

In 1885 Bartholdi completed the statue which was disassembled packed in more than 200 crates and shipped to New York arriving that June aboard the French frigate Isere.


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Over the next four months workers reassembled the statue and mounted it on the pedestal; its height reached 305 feet (or 93 meters) including the pedestal. On October 28 1886 President Grover Cleveland officially dedicated the Statue of Liberty in front of thousands of spectators.


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(她右手高举火炬,左手的册子上用罗马数字写有美国独立宣言的签署日期:“JULY IV MDCCLXXVI”(1776年7月4日),脚下还有断裂的锁链。这座塑像是自由和美国的象征,对外来移民展现出欢迎信号。)

It stands to welcome in immigrants to New York Harbor and to let people who are returning home know that they have reached America. )
