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面试中的注意事项不要急于问薪酬(面试过程中问到薪酬)You need to say that you can work under pressure – and perhaps give an example where you did so.3、Can you work under pressure你能在压力下工作吗?2、Do you feel you are ready to take on greater responsibilities你觉得自己准备好承担更大的责任了吗?Show how you have progressed throughout your life and how you have accepted and taken on responsibility for the actions of yourself and others. If you have not really had many work rel



1、What level of salary are you looking for now?你现在想要多少薪水?

Be careful here - you do not want to appear greedy. If you are applying for a specific job you could ask them what the salary range is. Once they have answered you could say "I think my experience would place me at the top end of your range don't you?" If they ask you this question early on in the interview you could delay answering by saying "It is hard to discuss salary without first knowing a little bit more about the job and the responsibilities."



2、Do you feel you are ready to take on greater responsibilities你觉得自己准备好承担更大的责任了吗?

Show how you have progressed throughout your life and how you have accepted and taken on responsibility for the actions of yourself and others. If you have not really had many work related responsibilities you can mention other responsibilities you have had outside work.


3、Can you work under pressure你能在压力下工作吗?

You need to say that you can work under pressure – and perhaps give an example where you did so.


4、How many hours are you prepared to work你准备工作多少小时?

You would be prepared to work the necessary hours to get the job done on time.


5、Do you mind working for someone older younger than yourself你介意为比你年长年轻的人工作吗?

Here you should say that you are prepared to work with anyone.


6、What are your career goals你的职业目标是什么?

Discuss goals that are aligned with the company who is interviewing you.


7、How did you get on with your previous manager co-workers and subordinates


Hopefully you can say that you got on well with everyone.


8、How long will you stay in this job


state that you are looking for a long-term opportunity where you can learn and develop.


9、Are you too old for this job? Are you too young for this job?


Older applicant -- State that you feel that your extra experience would enable you to make a bigger contribution to their company sooner than someone younger and less experienced.


Younger applicant – State "No I do not think so!" then state the reason why you are not too young (e.g. you have gained a lot of experience in a short time).



10、What interests do you have outside work?你在工作之外有什么兴趣爱好?

Your hobbies and interests can tell an employer a lot about you including whether you are sociable or solitary and whether you can take on 'leadership' roles. So you should think about which interests will paint the right picture of you given the position you are discussing.

