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令男孩子心动的句子(让男孩子心动的温柔句子)我不会骗你,不会敷衍你,也不会看见消息不回,更不会聊着聊着就突然消失,你很爱胡思乱想,也很没安全感,你想要的,我会给你。If you can I'll buy cigarettes for you you'll buy milk tea for me I'll play games with you you'll watch sunset with me you'll watch the sea with me and I'll walk the rest of the way with you.我说我喜欢你,不是向你讨要一份关系,而是表达我的心意,在某一个昏暗的日子里,至少可以想起我,让你觉得,你也值得被爱,你也优秀。I said that I like you not to ask you for a relationshi


Boys can't be protected by girls but my boy can. If he's tired I can hold him touch his head and walk with him through the hardest road.



I want to talk about an open love parents agree relatives know go to the future of love if you can just talk about this love with you.


I said that I like you not to ask you for a relationship but to express my mind. In a dark day at least you can think of me let you feel that you are worthy of love you are also excellent.



If you can I'll buy cigarettes for you you'll buy milk tea for me I'll play games with you you'll watch sunset with me you'll watch the sea with me and I'll walk the rest of the way with you.


I won't lie to you I won't perfunctory you I won't not go back after seeing the news and I won't disappear suddenly when I'm chatting again. You are very paranoid and insecure. I will give you what you want.



My boy is not a toy nor a long-term meal ticket. He is the only treasure. He can always have steps under me. I will give him all my gentleness.



Sometimes I don't get angry I just make a small temper on purpose because your nervousness will make me feel at ease.

