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中考英语形容词和现在分词,中考英语常见近义词用法总结(4) It is nice of you to come to see me.(3) We have a beautiful house.*nice: adj,表“美丽的、友好的、好心的、令人愉快的”之意,可以作定语或表语。(1) This is a pretty good plan.(2) She is a pretty girl.




*beautiful: adj,常作定语,表“美丽的、漂亮的”之意,语气比pretty强,多指内在美、程度很深的美。外国人一般少用beautiful夸人。

*pretty: adj,表“美丽可爱的”之意,多指小孩、妇女,其美仅仅是beautiful的一部分,程度没有beautiful深。作副词时,修饰形容词,相当于very。

*nice: adj,表“美丽的、友好的、好心的、令人愉快的”之意,可以作定语或表语。

(1) This is a pretty good plan.

(2) She is a pretty girl.

(3) We have a beautiful house.

(4) It is nice of you to come to see me.

(5) It is nice to visit Chengdu with my parents.


*lonely: adj,表“孤独的”之意,作定语或表语,具有主观感情色彩。

*alone: adj/adv,表“单独、独自”之意,做表语和状语,带有客观性。

(1) His parents live alone in a small village but they don't feel lonely.


*elder: 表“年长的”之意,指的是兄弟姐妹之间的长幼,不可与than连用。

*older: 表“年纪较大的、较老的,物品比较旧的”之意,作定语或表语,可以和than 连用。


(1) His elder brother bought him a new bicycle yesterday.

(2) He is taller than Bill though Bill is older than him.


*quick: adj,表“快”之意,指在较短时间内发生或者完成某个动作。其副词是quickly。

*fast: adj/adv,主要用作副词,表“快”之意,指运动着的人或物体的速度快。

*soon: adv,表“不久、很快”之意,指时间快。

(1) The boy ran with quick steps to the classroom.

(2) Remember to call me back. We hope to receive your news soon.

(3) I can't tell you the exact time because my watch goes a few minutes faster.



*sick: adj,表“生病的”之意,作表语或定语;表“厌烦的”,只能做表语,后常跟介词of。

*ill: adj,表“生病的”之意,只作表语;表“坏的、有害的”时,只作定语。

(1) He was ill yesterday so he didn't come to school.

(2) She can't go out to play because she had to look after her sick mother.


*real: 表“真实的、名副其实的、真的”之意,强调客观性。

*true: 表“真正的、正确的”之意,强调与实际情况相符合。

(1) This is a real golden watch.

(2) Is it true that you will go to Shanghai for summer vacation ?



*pleased: 作表语,与with连用,表“对…感到满意”之意,相当于be satisfied with …。

*pleasant: 作定语或表语,表“令人愉快的,令人高兴的”之意。

(1) The girl has a pleasant voice.

(2) My Chinese teacher was pleased with my progress in study.


*big: 表“大的”之意,其表示在数量、尺寸、大小等方面超过了正常范围,此时与large没有区别。除此之外,big还可以表示“重要的、年长的、程度深的”之意,而large没有这些意义。

*large: 表“大的”之意,多用在表数量、范围、规模、容量等方面;除此之外,其在表尺寸、大小、数量等方面和big用法一致。


(1) Look at the dark cloud. There is going to be a big storm.

(2) Russia is a large producer of wheat.

(3) It is no big deal. 这没什么大不了的(固定搭配)。

(4) The criminal is still at large. 罪犯仍逍遥法外。


*famous: 表“出名的”意义,语气比well-known强,多用于表“好的”意思。

*well-known: 表“出名的”之意,可用于表“好的”意思,也可以用于表“坏的”意思。

(1) The boy was well-known for his carelessness in math.

(2) Beijing is famous for its history and scenery.



*good: adj,表“物品质量好、人的品质好”,其副词是well。

*well: 做副词时,表“好”之意;做形容词时,表“身体好”。

(1) He can play the piano well.

(2) He is a good student.

(3) My grandparents are well.



