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治疗鼾症最好的呼吸机器(译文CPAPAPAP)如果你看过所有发表的,关于CPAP APAP BiPAP的对比报道的话,会有很多关于依从性、漏气量、耐受性等的差异。但是,总得来说这三个型号在主观嗜睡、AHI改善、生活质量打分方面没有特别明显的不同。这也是为什么一些睡眠医生会说:本质上,这三个型号没什么区别。With so many different models to choose from people continue to ask me which is the best option. If your insurance company pays for your PAP machine you don’t have a choice—you have to start with a basic CPAP machine. Most people do well with standard CPAP models but



CPAP vs. APAP vs. BiPAP: Which One Is Best For Sleep Apnea?




Positive airway pressure (PAP) machines are the mainstay of treating obstructive sleep apnea. Over the years with the development of different PAP models with different features it’s getting more and more confusing to differentiate all these machine from one another especially since various manufacturers use different names for certain models and comfort features.

我们来作一个总结:CPAP的意思是持续正压,这种机器吹一个持续不变的气流压力,通过面罩吹到你的鼻子(或者鼻子和口里)。Bilevel PAP 指得是提供两种不同的压力水平,当吸气时给到一个高点的压力,当呼气时给到一个稍低些的压力。BiPAP实际上是伟康公司注册的一个品牌名。APAP(注:我们常说得单水平全自动)机器是按需要调整压力,还有一些变化的名称是:Auto-bilever设备,还有ASV等,针对复杂和或者中枢型呼吸暂停的。我们今天主要谈一下:CPAP Bilever和APAP.(呼吸机匠人注:半自动,双水平,和单水平全自动)

As a summary CPAP stands for continuous positive airway pressure. These machines blow a constant level of positive air pressure through a mask into your nose (or nose and mouth). Bilevel PAP refers to a machine that delivers two different levels where a higher pressure is used during inhalation and a much lower pressure is given during exhalation. BiPAP is actually a registered brand name from Respironics. Auto-titrating PAP machines adjust your pressures as needed. There are other variations such as auto-bilevel devices and ASV units which are used for complex or central sleep apnea. For this discussion we’ll talk about CPAP Bilevel and auto-titrating units only.


With so many different models to choose from people continue to ask me which is the best option. If your insurance company pays for your PAP machine you don’t have a choice—you have to start with a basic CPAP machine. Most people do well with standard CPAP models but there will always be people who don’t do well. But before switching to a new machine you have to first go through the standard trouble-shooting steps to make sure that there’s no leak mouth breathing humidity issues mask fit etc. It’s also important to use machines that give more objective feedback such as your AHI and leak rates rather than just the total number of hours used. Some people then end up trying an autoPAP machine and do great whereas for others it makes no difference. Sometimes continuous pressure from a CPAP machine works better than an autoPAP machine. Others do better with bilevel models.

如果你看过所有发表的,关于CPAP APAP BiPAP的对比报道的话,会有很多关于依从性、漏气量、耐受性等的差异。但是,总得来说这三个型号在主观嗜睡、AHI改善、生活质量打分方面没有特别明显的不同。这也是为什么一些睡眠医生会说:本质上,这三个型号没什么区别。

If you look at all the published reports comparing CPAP vs. autoPAP vs. BiPAP machines there are some differences in terms of compliance leak rates or tolerability but overall there’s no significant difference between the three in terms of subjective sleepiness AHI measures or quality of life scores. This is why some sleep doctors state that essentially there’s no difference in the overall outcome between these three types of machines.


However since research studies lump together everyone including responders and nonresponders it’s not a true representation of real-life outcomes. There will always be some patients that do better on autoPAP compared to a CPAP machine. Others do better on CPAP than autoPAP. Some others do much better on bilevel devices. So based on evidence based medicine decisions are being made to downplay the potential advantages of various PAP models. I think that this is not good clinical practice. You should start with the basics first but for patients that are frustrated and not tolerating PAP therapy it’s worthwhile to consider other PAP options. In most cases there are a lot of simple steps that can be taken to fully optimize the patient’s current CPAP machine but you should never discount other options.




The same argument can be made for oral appliances and for surgery. A significant number of people do well with these options if done properly. Unfortunately most people who are given CPAP fall through the cracks and are never given the opportunity to truly benefit from therapy. This is why the long-term compliance rate is so low for CPAP.

Ultimately it’s not which model or which form of therapy is better but start with the CPAP basics and do everything possible make sure that you’re using it properly. If it doesn’t work talk with you doctor to discuss other PAP options. If PAP therapy doesn’t work then consider non-PAP options.

If you’re a PAP user did you try different models? If so which one works best for you?



国外,确切说应该是美国,它们的医疗状况和我们有非常大的区别。就拿呼吸机进医保而言,目前在国外,很多商业保险公司更愿意直接提供APAP机器,因为这个压力滴定的工作直接可以通过商业保险公司来完成,这样一定程度还抢了睡眠中心的业务。本篇文章的作者是一个私人诊所的医生,有十几年从业经历,纽约人, 约翰霍普金斯大学的本科学位和哥伦比亚大学医学院外科医生的医学学位。文章里并没有给出大家明确的答案,应该说也是出于一定的利益考量的,毕竟作为医生不好发表过于倾向性的言论。我们可以参考一下他的观点。




CPAP,最便宜,耐受性好的人也能达到较好的治疗水平;APAP 价格适中,应该说可以针对绝大多数患者都可以取得相当好的治疗效果;BiPAP (这个地方实际上应该叫双水平全自动,瑞思迈的是AUTO25 伟康的是757P,767P),最贵,舒适度不能说是最好,要看特定人群的。对于耐受性好的人群,佩戴它和APAP实际上差别不是太大。


