钟南山说最新病毒(钟南山回应病毒)钟南山解释说,“我们正在努力看能不能分离出病毒。现在还在检测,需要时间。但是在粪便里发现有核酸阳性的话,还是需要高度关注的。只要真的分离出病毒,那么粪-口传播的可能性就会增加。”Further research and surveying should be done to see how many patients have feces with the virus. Based on preliminary understanding the virus hasn’t been detected in patients' urine.从调查来看,已经患病的人,在粪便带病毒有多少,要一步一步来调查。从了解来看,尿初步没有,但大便确实要引起注意。有些地方很高,要引起警惕。The novel coronavirus is likely to spread by fecal-oral
粪口传播 fecal-oral transmission
要警惕病毒粪口传播 | Fecal-oral transmission据报道,2月1日,深圳市第三人民医院肝病研究所发现,在某些新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎确诊患者的粪便中检测出新型冠状病毒核酸呈阳性。中科院武汉病毒研究所也在患者的大便和肛拭子中发现病毒核酸。
The novel coronavirus is likely to spread by fecal-oral transmission. The issue should be taken very seriously because the virus has been found in fecal samples of infected patients. We should be highly alert about the fact the virus can spread through fecal matter. In some places of Hubei and Jiangxi provinces people have a habit of using chamber pots as toilets and washing them in fish ponds which indeed needs attention.
Further research and surveying should be done to see how many patients have feces with the virus. Based on preliminary understanding the virus hasn’t been detected in patients' urine.
Zhong said that doctors are keeping a close eye on whether feces can carry the contagion.
"It is true that some patients have tested positive for nucleic acid in their feces " he said adding that the likelihood of fecal-oral transmission will increase if there is a virus isolated from feces.
病死率比H7N9、MERS等低 但比普通流感高 | Mortality rate钟南山:到2月2日,确诊病例病死率大概是2.3%、2.4%。因为患者集中,武汉病死率要高于外地,但不应该因病死率低就放松警惕。
Zhong told CCTV that up to now the mortality rate of confirmed cases is about 2.3 to 2.4 percent.
The expert said that the mortality rate of the novel coronavirus pneumonia is lower than H7N9 MERS and H5N1 but higher than regular flu.
"We shouldn't let our guard down because of the relatively low mortality rate " he said.
如何使用口罩更节约? | How to wear masks efficiently?钟南山:普通群众很少用N95口罩,也不需要,普通外科口罩就可以。只要有公众集会的地方应该考虑戴,但不是任何地方都戴。你去球场,人没有多少,用不着戴。
The expert suggested the general public to wear masks if inside of epidemic areas and in public places where people are gathering."But you don't have to wear it everywhere. If you went to a court with few people then wearing a mask is not necessary " said Zhong. "Normally people don't have to wear N95 masks regular surgical masks are good enough."
"You don't have to change to a new mask every time " the expert suggested. "If you can protect it well – folding the cheek side in and not touching it when taking it off – then you can continue to wear the mask."