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【英文版】Is sudden palpitation heart disease?

Dear friends nice to meet you!Now it is time for “Health talk for three minutes every day” My name is Yuan Qiuping a nurse in Anyang Daojian hospital Today I'm going to tell you is sudden palpitation heart disease?

Do you sometimes feel that your heart beats like a missed beat or suddenly have a series of rapid irregular heartbeat Although the duration of discomfort may be very short it makes people panic and uneasy. Many people are not sure whether their heart discomfort is palpitation some people think that palpitation is heart disease but they go to the hospital without finding out any problems.I'll tell you today what is palpitation

Palpitation refers to people's discomfort with the heart beating. When you have palpitations you will feel your heart beat very hard jump very hard stop beating jump disorderly or feel your heart beating

Causes of palpitation. Changes in heart rate rhythm or contraction intensity can lead to palpitation. It is not only heart disease that causes "palpitation" but also when heart sensitivity increases in healthy people. Therefore the following two situations should be excluded first

Strenuous exercise tiredness and bad mood

In the case of strenuous exercise tiredness bad mood and excitement palpitation can occur in healthy people which can also occur after drinking alcohol strong tea and coffee. Therefore when palpitation occurs we should first find out whether there are the above factors. When these factors are relieved palpitation will also disappear.

Palpitation caused by other organ diseases

The heart is normal and palpitations are caused by diseases in other organs. Common causes include fever anemia thyroid and cerebrovascular diseases. At this time we need to find the cause to effectively relieve palpitation.In addition to the above two casesWe have to consider heart disease caused by palpitation this situation is more complex the most common is arrhythmia that is arrhythmia tachycardia premature beat etc.Patients in the chest tightness palpitation and other discomfort you can take nitroglycerin or Jiuxin pills and observe whether the symptoms are relieved. If it can not be relieved it is recommended to go to the hospital for further examination in time.

Who should pay attention to palpitation?

The elderly

Palpitation often occurs in the elderly more common in patients with organic heart disease such as coronary heart disease hypertension heart failure and with the growth of age the heart's conduction system and muscle fiber will change which is the common cause of palpitation of the elderly without organic heart disease.In addition patients with fever hyperthyroidism anemia bleeding climacteric syndrome neurasthenia and other patients are also prone to palpitations and palpitations. If these patients are treated effectively for their own diseases then the palpitations will self heal.

Young adults

There is also a group of patients with palpitations most of whom are young adults between 20 and 40 years old. Most of them are under great academic and career pressure stay up late or work overtime for a long time or live irregularly eat excessively smoke and drink alcohol resulting in endocrine disorders and palpitations under the influence of tension and anxiety.In addition ephedrine caffeine aminophylline epinephrine some cold medicines and painkillers all contain ingredients that cause palpitations. For patients with organic heart disease palpitation is often accompanied by pain sweating dizziness syncope and other discomfort in the anterior cardiac area.

How to prevent and treat palpitations?

First of all the cause of palpitations must be identified.If it is caused by other diseases the primary disease must be treated. If there is no other disease what is needed more is self-regulation and rest for a healthy lifestyle. If you have heart palpitations while walking or working take a break and drink a glass of warm water.

Environment: Comfortable environment and good indoor air can reduce the external pressure on the heart and reduce the occurrence of palpitations.

Deep breathing.

Relax. Many palpitations are caused by tension stress or mood swings. Use deep breathing to relax regulate tense emotions maintain peace of mind and control emotions.Get enough sleep. Getting enough sleep every day is essential for self-regulation and self-recovery.Quit smoking and drinking. Smoking and drinking alcohol will increase the risk of palpitation palpitation symptoms will be reduced after smoking and drinking alcohol.

Strengthen exercise. People whose body is weak or more sensitive or lack of exercise they are advised to strengthen exercise

On one hand exercise can enhance the physique on the other hand exercise is also beneficial to the psychological endurance exercise.

Acupoint selection. When palpitations occur we can massage the acupoints to relieve discomfort. A commonly used acupoint in clinical practice is recommended: Neigen.Methods. Neiguan point is easy to find. On the inner side of the arm two inches above the wrist cross striation gently clench the fist and put the palm upward.The index finger middle finger and ring finger of the other hand should be aligned with the wrist transverse stripe.The place where the index finger presses is Neiguan point. The advantage of this acupoint in health preservation is that it can be kneaded anytime and anywhere and it is appropriate to feel slightly acid swelling.

Finally I wish you all a happy life and good health! To learn more knowledge about cardiovascular disease please pay attention to us.See you next time.
