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python技术栈(七爪源码改进你的)多态性:继承的重要好处是代码重用和降低程序的复杂性。 派生类可以(后代)覆盖或扩展基类(祖先)的功能。派生类继承了基类的功能。派生类修改基类的现有行为。最后,派生类通过定义一个新的 bark() 方法扩展了基类的功能。



虽然面向对象编程作为一种建模工具很有用,但当引入继承的概念时,它真正获得了力量。 继承是“子”类派生“父”类的数据和行为的过程。 一个例子肯定会对我们有所帮助。


  • whoAmI
  • eat

class Animal: def __init__(self): print("Animal created") def whoAmI(self): print("Animal") def eat(self): print("Eating")class Dog(Animal): def __init__(self): Animal.__init__(self) print("Dog created") def whoAmI(self): print("Dog") def bark(self): print("Woof!") -------------------------------------------- d = Dog()Output: Animal created Dog createdd.whoAmI()Output: Dogd.eat()Output: Eatingd.bark()Output: Woof!

在这个例子中,我们有两个类:Animal 和 Dog。 Animal 是基类, Dog 是派生类。


  • 它由eat() 方法显示。


  • whoAmI() 方法显示。

最后,派生类通过定义一个新的 bark() 方法扩展了基类的功能。

继承的重要好处是代码重用和降低程序的复杂性。 派生类可以(后代)覆盖或扩展基类(祖先)的功能。




class Dog: def __init__(self name): self.name = name def speak(self): return self.name ' says Woof!' class Cat: def __init__(self name): self.name = name def speak(self): return self.name ' says Meow!' niko = Dog('Niko') felix = Cat('Felix') print(niko.speak()) print(felix.speak())Output: Niko says Woof! Felix says Meow!

这里我们有一个 Dog 类和一个 Cat 类,每个类都有一个 .speak() 方法。 调用时,每个对象的 .speak() 方法都会返回该对象唯一的结果。

有几种不同的方法可以证明多态性。 首先,使用 for 循环:

class India(): def capital(self): print("New Delhi is the capital of India.") def language(self): print("Hindi is the most widely spoken language of India.")class USA(): def capital(self): print("Washington D.C. is the capital of USA.") def language(self): print("English is the primary language of USA.")obj_ind = India() obj_usa = USA()for country in (obj_ind obj_usa): print(country.capital()) print(country.language())Output:New Delhi is the capital of India. Hindi is the most widely spoken language of India. Washington D.C. is the capital of USA. English is the primary language of USA.


def func(obj): obj.capital() obj.language()obj_ind = India() obj_usa = USA()func(obj_ind) func(obj_usa)Output:New Delhi is the capital of India. Hindi is the most widely spoken language of India. Washington D.C. is the capital of USA. English is the primary language of USA.

这里我们有一个 Dog 类和一个 Cat 类,每个类都有一个 .speak() 方法。 调用时,每个对象的 .speak() 方法都会返回该对象唯一的结果。

有几种不同的方法可以证明多态性。 首先,使用 for 循环:

class India(): def capital(self): print("New Delhi is the capital of India.") def language(self): print("Hindi is the most widely spoken language of India.")class USA(): def capital(self): print("Washington D.C. is the capital of USA.") def language(self): print("English is the primary language of USA.")obj_ind = India() obj_usa = USA()for country in (obj_ind obj_usa): print(country.capital()) print(country.language())Output:New Delhi is the capital of India. Hindi is the most widely spoken language of India. Washington D.C. is the capital of USA. English is the primary language of USA.


def func(obj): obj.capital() obj.language()obj_ind = India() obj_usa = USA()func(obj_ind) func(obj_usa)Output:New Delhi is the capital of India. Hindi is the most widely spoken language of India. Washington D.C. is the capital of USA. English is the primary language of USA.





