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英语高考必考3500词40篇:高考英语考试大纲3500词F部分[00:36.19]adj.面部的 n. 面部护理[00:34.93]facial[00:20.15]Indeed his sunburnt face and arms and his slim[00:26.55]strong body are just like those[00:29.21]of millions of other Chinese farmers.






[00:14.43]n.脸 v. 面向,面对

[00:20.15]Indeed his sunburnt face and arms and his slim

[00:26.55]strong body are just like those

[00:29.21]of millions of other Chinese farmers.


[00:36.19]adj.面部的 n. 面部护理



[00:45.91]Look at the headlines of the five articles.

[00:49.69]Without reading the articles decide whether you

[00:52.48]think they are facts(F)or myths.




[01:04.19]vi.褪色;逐渐消失 vt. 使变淡


[01:13.50]vi.失败 vt. 不及格 n.[C]不及格

[01:19.63]The pirates would often bury gold in the cave

[01:23.15]and then fail to collect it.



[01:35.36]We can never be perfect so we often have

[01:39.74]a sense of failure no matter how well we perform.


[01:46.65]adj.公平的,合理的 n.集市

[01:52.94]I think it is fair to say that Cannes is

[01:56.12]the most famous and exciting festival.















[02:50.08]When you visit London one of the first things

[02:54.22]you will see is Big Ben the famous clock which

[02:58.01]can be heard all over the world on the B.B.C.




[03:13.17]n.想要 adj. 花哨的 vt. 想象

[03:19.87]He learns that wealth does not buy happiness

[03:23.79]and that friends are more important than a fancy education.






[03:44.83]adj.远的 adv. 远








[04:11.13]adj.快的,迅速的 adv. 快








[04:32.73]n.故障;缺点 vt.发现错误


[04:41.09]n.偏爱;赞同 vt. 较喜欢


[04:49.16]adj.最喜欢的 n.特别喜爱的人(或物)


[04:56.55]n.& vt.传真


[05:00.47]n.害怕;担心 v. 害怕


[05:07.99]n.盛宴,宴会 vi. 尽情享用


[05:16.19]n.羽毛 vt.中饱私囊










[05:47.39]v. 感觉,觉得 n.印象



[05:58.45]I think one’s feelings waste themselves in words

[06:03.18]they ought all to be distilled into actions which bring results...


[06:11.63]n.家伙;男人 adj. 同伴的






[06:36.34]n.渡船;摆渡 v. 渡运








[06:59.51]adj.少数的,不多的pron. 不多


















[07:54.55]v.打仗,与…作斗争 n.打仗


[08:04.01]n.数字;人物 v. 计算

[08:09.03]He is always working in his lab

[08:12.54]trying to figure out all the mysteries that make him puzzled.


[08:21.34]n.文件 vt. 把…归档 vi. 列队行进


[08:29.80]n.菲律宾人;菲律宾语 adj. 菲律宾的














[09:25.51]adj.晴朗的;美好的 n. 罚款



[09:35.83]We can control our utterances down to the last syllable

[09:39.88]but what are our fingers doing as we speak




[09:51.73]v.完成;结束 n. 结束






[10:07.35]adj.芬兰的,芬兰语的 n. 芬兰人





[10:31.74]Each year on 4 July the USA celebrates Independence Day

[10:38.39]when the ‘Stars and Stripes’ can be seen all over the country

[10:43.95]lit by fireworks in the night sky.


[10:51.24]adj.坚定的 vt. 夯实 n.公司


[10:58.87]n.第一个 adj. 第一的 adv. 第一

[11:05.27]At the 2004 Athens Olympic Games

[11:08.20]Liu Xiang excited people all over Asia when he became

[11:13.51]the first Asian to win the gold medal

[11:16.69]in the men’s 110-meter hurdles.







[11:39.69]For the space of a minute they punched and scratched

[11:44.14]at each other and finally through the dust Tom appeared

[11:50.12]seated astride the new boy pounding him with his fists.


[11:56.95]adj.健康的;适合的 v.合适









[12:20.90]He returned gladly to the Olympic Games in Atlanta

[12:25.27]in 1996 to light the Olympic flame at the opening ceremony.


[12:33.74]n.闪光 vt. 使闪光 vi. 闪光




[12:46.41]adj.平的 n.一套房间;公寓




[13:02.69]n.肉;皮肤 v. 使充实





[13:20.82]The Beijing Space Control Centre said

[13:24.46]the flight was a “complete success”.


[13:31.42]vt.使漂流 vi. 浮 n.浮板


[13:39.76]n.洪水 vt. 淹没 vi. 涌进




[13:55.24]n.面粉;粉状物质 vt. 在…上撒面粉


[14:05.29]vi.流动;流畅 n. 流动





[14:23.36]Eventually the immune system becomes so weak

[14:27.40]that the infected person can become sick very easily

[14:31.17]and even common illness like the flu can be quite serious.






[14:53.90]n.苍蝇 vi.飞 vt. 空运


[15:01.98]n.焦点 vt. 使集中 vi. 集中






[15:19.86]vt.折叠 vi. 折叠起来 n. 褶


[15:27.80]adj.民俗的 n.普通百姓

[15:31.98]His roots and mine had become too

[15:34.76]firmly embedded in the new land.

[15:37.54]But he wanted to see the old folk again

[15:40.88]and to visit my mother’s grave.



[15:52.86]All of these ads are meant to be helpful

[15:56.77]and you can often learn a lot by following the advice they give.


[16:05.15]adj. 喜爱;深情的




[16:17.20]n.傻瓜 adj. 傻的 v. 欺骗

[16:23.05]He had looked forward to meeting her all day

[16:26.53]and now he was alone with his roses and chocolates like a fool.







[16:52.15]For example in one experiment

[16:55.91]a teenager whose dream was to be a world-famous football

[16:59.30]star experienced a VR film where he played the role of

[17:03.72]the captain of the Brazilian football team.


[17:10.01]prep.为了;向 conj. 因为

[17:15.69]Parks provide people with a place to amuse themselves

[17:19.74]and to escape their busy lives for a while.



[17:33.53]He began his diet a week ago. First of all he wrote out

[17:38.57]a long list of all the foods which were forbidden.


[17:46.64]n.力量;武力 vt. 迫使

[17:51.54]With the help of force from a black hole

[17:56.26]they are able to guide the lost spaceship safely back to the Earth.


[18:05.73]n.预测,预报 vt. 预报

[18:12.00]Forecasting what life is going to be like years

[18:15.06]down the line is a doggy business.










[18:46.28]n. 森林

[18:48.23]When the fire had at last been put out

[18:51.31]the forest authorities ordered several tons of

[18:55.17]a special type of grass-seed which would grow quickly.





[19:14.96]If you hear a comedian telling jokes about

[19:18.86]the way people behave when they queue up in lines

[19:21.79]or asking why it only rains when you forget your umbrella

[19:25.28]you are listening to an observational comedian.




[19:38.79]vt.原谅;免除 vi. 原谅

[19:45.78]I don’t think I can ever forgive her.

[19:48.44]Now I’ve lost my best friend and everyone teases me.

[19:52.84]What shall I do




[20:03.03]n.形式,结构 v. 形成

[20:09.45]These snowy mountain tops form a beautiful

[20:12.94]picture that will make any viewer speechless.


[20:20.02]n.格式;版式 vt. 为…安排版式


[20:29.11]adj. 以前的,从前的 n.前者







[20:49.68]They wash sand from the river in a pan of water

[20:53.31]and expect to pick up gold but they have been not fortunate enough to find any.




[21:11.44]num. 四十


[21:15.60]adv.向前;向将来 adj. 向前的


[21:24.14]v.培养;代养 adj. 代养的




[21:40.26]n.喷泉,喷水池 v. 泉水般喷出

[21:47.78]There had been an eruption in the side of the mountain

[21:51.83]and red hot lava was fountaining hundreds of metres into the air.















[22:31.33]All of the wood decorations are made from

[22:34.10]a fragrant type of wood native to China and the

[22:37.18]floor is covered with high-quality bricks

[22:40.23]known as ‘gold bricks’.








[23:03.09]adj.自由的;免费的 adv.免费地






[23:21.48]vi.冻结 vt. 使结冰 n. 冻结

[23:27.88]But since we haven’t yet even perfected freezing strawberries

[23:32.78]these poor deluded souls may be nothing

[23:35.56]more than mucky puddles by 2052.




[23:48.26]adj.法国的;法语的 n. 法语



[24:00.62]A recent survey done in the USA showed

[24:03.54]that 80 percent of frequent Internet users use

[24:07.61]it mainly to search for answers to questions.






















[25:16.57]adj.前面的,正面的 n. 前面




[25:33.01]n.霜;霜冻,vt.& vi. 结霜于






[25:52.12]n.燃料 v. 给…提供燃料




[26:06.84]n.娱乐,玩笑 adj. 逗乐的

[26:12.70]Sometimes other children say we are no fun

[26:17.36]because we are both very academic and like to study

[26:21.51]but we like it that way.


[26:27.50]n.功能;作用 v. 正常运转





[26:46.20]You might offend some of the older people

[26:49.96]if you go to the funeral dressed like that.











[27:22.97]Mr. Johnson ended his speech by wishing

[27:26.30]the Olympic movement a successful future

[27:29.08]to match its glorious past.

