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高中英语必修五第二单元重点短语(高中英语必修五)5, accuse 。。。of 因。。。控告You must depend on yourself 你必须依靠你自己3, concentrate on 集中You must concentrate yourself on your study 你必须集中注意在你的学习上4, depend on 依靠


1, be delighted with 喜欢某人

He is delighted with the dog 他很喜欢这只狗

2, assist sb with sth 帮助某人做某事

He assisted us with my work 他帮助我的工作

3, concentrate on 集中

You must concentrate yourself on your study 你必须集中注意在你的学习上

4, depend on 依靠

You must depend on yourself 你必须依靠你自己

5, accuse 。。。of 因。。。控告

I can accuse him of stealing my things 我能控告他偷取了我的东西

6, so as to为了

I run fast so as to catch the early bus 我跑快是为了赶上早班车

7, ahead of 在。。。前面

You are ahead of me 你在我的前面

8, approve of 赞成

I approve of you 我赞成你

9, be skeptical about 对。。。持怀疑态度

He is skeptical about her faith 他对她的忠诚持怀疑态度

10, be guilty for 对。。。内疚

He is guilty for his mistake 他对他的错误很内疚

11, be guilty of 对。。。有罪

He is guilty of stealing 他犯有盗窃罪

12, be senior to 比。。。年长

He is senior to you 他比你年长

13, in chief 主要地

I will tell you a story in chief 我主要告诉你一个故事
