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考研最难的10个题(史上最难考研阅读题)B. the privileges granted by the QueenA. the financial support from the royal family好吧,接招!1999年 英语一 Text 27. The BBC’s “royal charter ”(Line 5,Paragraph 4)stands for .

本文阅读时间:8分钟 干货满满,建议精读!




真的有那么难吗?!或许是大家没见过史上难度最大的题目 这一题出现在1999年(当年出生的小宝贝们在抖音里已经算是大叔了。。),数据显示该题的难度是0.09,也就是说100个考生里只有9个学生能答对,联想到当年还要考听力……


1999年 英语一 Text 2

7. The BBC’s “royal charter ”(Line 5,Paragraph 4)stands for .

A. the financial support from the royal family

B. the privileges granted by the Queen

C. a contract with the Queen

D. a unique relationship with the royal family


It is a remarkable record stretching back over 70 years — yet the BBC’s future is now in doubt. The corporation will survive as a publicly-funded broadcasting organization at least for the time being but its role its size and its programmes are now the subject of a nationwide debate in Britain.

The debate was launched by the Government which invited anyone with an opinion of the BBC — including ordinary listeners and viewers — to say what was good or bad about the Corporation and even whether they thought it was worth keeping. The reason forits inquiry is that the BBC’s royal charter runs out in 1996 and it must decide whether to keep the organization as it is or to make changes.

重点来了! Charter的意思?!




① (N-COUNT) 章程;宪章 Acharter is a formal document describing the rights aims or principles of an organization or group of people.

● ...Article 50 of the United Nations Charter.


②(VERB) (个人、团体)包租,租用(飞机、船只等)If a person or organization charters a plane boat or other vehicle they hire it for their own use.

● He chartered a jet to fly her home from California to Switzerland...


③(N-COUNT)an official document stating that a ruler or government allows a new organization town or university to be established andgives it particular rights (统治者或政府准许成立新的组织、城镇、大学等并授予某种权利的)特许状,许可证,凭照

TheRoyal College received its charter as a university in 1967.


④(ADJ) (飞机或船只)包租的,包用的 Acharter plane or boat is one which is hired for use by a particular person orgroup and which is not part of a regular service.

● ...frequent charter flights to Spain.



当年却有59%的考生选择A。问题是第三段里提到了The corporation will survive as a publicly-funded broadcasting organization.Publicly-funded意思是公众资助性质的,可能不少考生忽略了这一点。

真正关键点:run out


其实如果不知道charter的意思的话,还有一个线索是run out,搞清楚!run out 不是 run out of 。如果等而视之,也是会选错。

run out of 是用尽,耗尽的意思 注意of 后面要跟名词或代词。看例句!

① (PHRASAL VERB) 用完;耗尽 If you run out of something you have no more of it left.

● They have run out of ideas...


● We're running out of time...


而run out 除了耗尽,还有到期的意思。且看!

① (PHRASAL VERB) 被用完;耗尽 If something runs out it becomes used up so that there is no more left.

● Conditions are getting worse and supplies are runningout...


● Time is running out.


② (PHRASAL VERB) (法律文件)到期,失效When a legal document runs out it stops being valid.

● When the lease ran out the family moved to Campigny.


● ...the day my visa ran out.



到这里大家应该很清楚了这一题的出题思路,就是考察大家对charter和run out的理解。


Reform has been vigorously opposed perhaps most egregiously(啥意思?) in education where charter schools academies and merit pay all faced drawn-out battles. Even though there is plenty of evidence that the quality of the teachers is the most important variable(名词意思哦) teachers’ unions have fought against getting rid of bad ones and promoting good ones.

egregious [ɪˈgri:dʒiəs] GRE词汇。很多考研词汇书并没有收录,但是考过就不算超纲词!赶紧记!

① (ADJ-GRADED) 极坏的;极差的;极其恶劣的Egregious means very bad indeed.

● ...the most egregious abuses of the right to subsistence. 注意划线词汇!


charterschool 字面意思是特许学校,指的是进行革新改良的公立学校,很典型的特点是它们不用非得遵循其他公立学校的规定,而是允许它们选择其他的教育方法或者项目,而且这些特许学校往往招生数有限 类似于国内的实验小学,外国语学校。


①(ADJ-GRADED) 多变的;易变的;反复无常的 Something that is variable changes quite often and there usually seems to be no fixed pattern to these changes.

●The potassium content of food stuffs is very variable...


②(N-COUNT) (质量、数量、规模等)可变因素,变量 A variable is a factor that can change in quality quantity or size which you have to take into account in a situation.

●Decisions could be made on the basis of price delivery dates after-sales service or any other variable...


●Other variables in making forecasts for the industry include the weather and the general economic climate.


charter 又出现在2016年英语一的text1中:

In contrast to France’s actions,Denmark’s fashion industry agreed last month on rules and sanctions(啥意思?)regarding the age,health,and other characteristics of models. The newly revised Danish Fashion Ethical Charter clearly states:”We are aware of and take responsibility for the impact the fashion industry has on body ideals,especially on young people”. The charter’s main tool of enforcement is to deny access for designers and modeling agencies to Copenhagen Fashion Week (CFW),which is run by the Danish Fashion Institute. But in general it relies on a name-and-shame method of compliance.


至于有伙伴认为royal charter 字面意思来看像是皇家宪章,会不会是指英国大宪章什么的。我要说真的是想多了,英国大宪章有专有名词The Magna Carta 或者 The Great Charter 。


The members of the club _____ a plane to take them on holiday to France.

  1. A. bought B. chartered C. leased D. borrowed




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