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高中英语书面表达的方法(高中英语书面表达)第30篇 基础写作 (第四次摸底) 举一个事例来支持你的观点 Here is a story which happened many years ago. A forgetful man took a taxi to the airport for an important conference. However it occurred to the man that he had left his documents behind just halfway to the airport. He had to return home for his documents which resulted in his missing the flight. Unfortunately the plane crashed over the mountain not long after i


第29篇 第二节 读写任务(周报第8期)

After being refused to stay for the night by the villagers a man had to stay in a nearby forest for the night. During the night a group of robbers killed most of the villagers but the man had a lucky escape.


This story reminds us of a proper attitude towards the ups and downs gains and losses in our daily life. In my personal opinion we ought to remain calm no matter what happens to us. We are not supposed to scold others or ourselves for the misfortunes we have run into.


Here is a story which happened many years ago. A forgetful man took a taxi to the airport for an important conference. However it occurred to the man that he had left his documents behind just halfway to the airport. He had to return home for his documents which resulted in his missing the flight. Unfortunately the plane crashed over the mountain not long after it took off. The delay saved the man's life.

Therefore it is reasonable that no matter what happens to us we should not get frustrated when we are unlucky or too excited when we have good luck.

第30篇 基础写作 (第四次摸底)


1) 2012年伦敦奥运会是21世纪重大体育比赛之一;包括中国在内的每个国家都在为此做准备




The Olympic Games 0f 2012 which is one of the most important events in the history of sports in the 21st century was held in London. Every country in the world including China has made great preparations for it. It is beneficial to the friendship between China and any other country in the world. China has done an excellent job in many sports items in the Olympic Games which our Chinese are proud of. Inspired by the spirits of the Olympic Games now I participate in more sports activities in my spare time in order to keep myself healthy.

第31篇 第二节 读写任务(第四次摸底湛江上期)


Recently in Jiangsu Province the cover of a fourth - grade language textbook was printed with the word Pok Oi(博爱)Hospital. The cover of the book is the scene of several children nursing flowers the

background is a building printed with Red Cross and above the floor of the building are four big characters of the Pok Oi Hospital. In the textbook on page 76 are assignments about the fight against SARS beneath which is the same cover illustration(插图).

It is reported that the Pok Oi Huspital is a private hospital. As for the ad many parents showed their

anger “Such hospital ads like this shouldn't be implanted(植入)in the textbooks. It will mislead the


However the creator of the cover illustrations 8 professor of Jiangsu Education Arts College explained “The textbook contains a text medical worker which is about the deeds of Ye Xin who has sacrificed for the treatment of SARS patients. So this illustration is used to promote the human love and the name is created in the SARS context of carrying forward the great love not the reality of Pok Oi Hospital.”

His explanation didnt satisfy the parents. The whole thing is just like a stone arousing layer waves.




A hospital advertisement appearing in the text books made parents angry and caused a heated discussion/argument. Though the creator of the advertisement explained the illustration is not an ad for a hospital but shows the human love people were still worried about it.


As we can see with the development of economy advertisements can be seen everywhere such as on the students' uniforms and in the textbooks which really has bad effect on students. Such advertisements make a lot of people worried and annoyed.


When we talk about such advertisements implanted in the textbooks most people are worried about the bad effect. They think that these advertisements will mislead the young students. Such implanted advertisements will persuade students to buy what they don't need. More importantly they argue that such implanted advertisements will have a bad effect on children's everyday habits.


As far as I am concerned I disapprove of / am against implanting such advertisements because they do harm/damage to the campus where students are being educated to develop the right concept about the world around them. If the students are surrounded by such implanted advertisements they will be forced to buy something that they don't need at all. If so how can they focus on what they are taught?

So I hope that the government should take some strict measures to prevent such implanted advertisements appearing again to protect the young students.










(1)I have recently made a survey among 30 boys and 30 girls in my class about their purposes of surfing the Internet.


(2)Last week,we did/conducted/carried out a survey among all the students in our school on the time they spent in sleeping every day.



(1)From the above table,we can conclude (that) over 20% of the teenagers are addicted to smoking.


(2)As is shown in the above table,senior three students spend the least time in sleeping.


(3)As can be seen from the table above,more than 70% of the students have formed a very good habit of studying.




(1)30% of the students questioned say they think it better not to have physical exercise,which shows/mirrors/reflects/reveals that these students lack the awareness of keeping healthy.


(2)Only seven percent of the students are interested in looking up new words in the dictionary,showing/mirroring/reflecting that owing to their laziness,these students would rather be given everything by their teachers.



(1)As far as I am concerned,effective measures should be instantly taken to help students to spend more time on sleep.


(2)From my own perspective,we should take action to help students to make good use of their study time.



Last week,we did a survey among 2 600 students on “Who Is Your Idol”.The survey shows that half of the girls choose film and TV stars as their idols,while 48% of the boys favor sports stars.

As the data shows,“parents” ranks second for the girls,but the fourth for the boys.However ,the percentage of the boys choosing “great figure” is the same as that of the girls.As for myself,Thomas Edison is my idol,because his inventions have greatly changed our life.









多以changes作主语,用take place的现在完成时态。

(1)Great changes have taken place in my hometown in the last five years.


(2)Over the past twenty years or so,great changes have taken place in our life.在过去约20年的时间里,我们的生活发生了巨变。

(3)Things have begun to improve since schools were called on to reduce learning load.



(1)...used to...,but now...……曾经……,但现在……

(2)...in the past,but now...过去……,但现在……

(3)...once...,but now...曾经……,但现在……

(4)...things are different now.……现在情况不同了。

(5)...but now,everything has changed.……但现在,一切都改变了。



Great changes have taken place in

in the last/past years.

used to ... ,but now ... .

In the past,....Now,however,....

What’s more,... no longer ....

In short,... .


Great changes have taken place in the way of communication in people’s life in recent years.In the past,people kept in touch with each other mainly by writing letters or using public telephones,which was inconvenient and took much time.But now almost everyone has his or her own mobile phone and people can communicate with each other almost at any place and at any time.What’s more,people have easy access to the Internet,which enables them to send and receive e­mails whenever they like.With these changes,people’s pace of life has quickened and people’s work has been more efficient.It used to take several days to receive a letter,but now it takes only several seconds,even if they are in different countries.

In a word,people are now having a much easier life.
