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高考必考英语单词带翻译带词性(高考英语词汇干货4--一词多义D-G)4.drive v.驾驶;v.迫使某人I paid $1 000 down on the car.2. develop v.发展;v.冲印Did you have the films developed?3. down adv.向下;adv.作为首期付款


Group Four


1. desert n. 沙漠;v.抛弃

He deserted his wife and children and went abroad.

2. develop v.发展;v.冲印

Did you have the films developed?

3. down adv.向下;adv.作为首期付款

I paid $1 000 down on the car.

4.drive v.驾驶;v.迫使某人

Hunger drove her to steal.

5.dear adj.亲爱的;adj.昂贵的

Clothes are getting dearer.

Group Five


1.even adv.甚至;adj.平坦的

The road wasn't even.

2. express v.表达;adj.明确的

His express wish was that you should come here by air.

3. earth n.地球;n.泥土

He covered the roots of the plant with earth.

4. employ v.雇佣;v.利用

The police employed force to open the door.

5. engage v.从事;v.吸引

A personal computer engages his interest now.

Group Six


1· fail v.失败;v.无能为力

Words fail me.

2. fix v.修理;v.吸引

The extraordinary man fixed our attention.

3. find v.找到;v.判决

The court found him guilty.

4. fine adj.美好的;adj.微妙的

There's a fine distinction between the meanings of the two words.

5 fashion n.时尚;n.方式

He behaves in a peculiar fashion.

6.form v.形成;v.想出

I can not form an opinion about it.

Group Seven


1. gift n.礼物 ;n.天赋

The girl has a gift for music.

2.grow v. 生长;v.扩大

You must invest if you want your business to grow.

3.gain v. 获得;v.增加

The car gained speed gradually.

4. go v. 去;v.对...有助于

This information goes to prove my point.

5. ground n. 地面;n.理由

He has strong grounds for more money.
